#iberdrola projects
EAST ANGLIA ONE, Saint Brieu, Támega..., Iberdrola works on different projects worldwide which have become milestones in our company, given their relevance and their innovative approach.
'United by the wind', a documentary produced by Iberdrola that shows the most social aspect of the East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm. More than twenty workers, both from the company and from several of its suppliers, tell us about the importance of teamwork, companionship and training to set up an infrastructure of this magnitude and complexity, as well as the driving effect that this development has had and has on local economies.
Iberdrola has begun operating its Cavar wind power complex in the Spanish region of Navarre, the first major wind farm commissioned in Spain since the health crisis. With an installed capacity of 111 megawatts (MW), it is also the company’s...
Facebook Iberdrola advances green recovery by commissioning first major wind complex in Spain since the health crisis
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Sassnitz, (Germany). Today, Iberdrola has officially cut the ribbon on Wikinger offshore wind farm, one of the company’s most iconic power plants in the world, having invested over €1.4 billion. At the helm of the event were also the company 50...
Facebook Iberdrola inaugurates Wikinger offshore wind farm, consolidating Germany as its strategic market
Twitter Iberdrola inaugurates Wikinger offshore wind farm, consolidating Germany as its strategic market
Linkedin Iberdrola inaugurates Wikinger offshore wind farm, consolidating Germany as its strategic market
Assembly of the first hydroelectric turbine in Gouvães has begun, a key milestone in the construction of our Tâmega Hydroelectric Complex, one of the most significant hydroelectric projects of this type in the European energy sector in the last...
Facebook Iberdrola starts the assembly of the first turbine for the hydroelectric power plant at Gouvães, in Portugal
Twitter Iberdrola starts the assembly of the first turbine for the hydroelectric power plant at Gouvães, in Portugal
Linkedin Iberdrola starts the assembly of the first turbine for the hydroelectric power plant at Gouvães, in Portugal