#gender equality
Innovation is one of the main tools for a company to guarantee its sustainability, efficiency and competitiveness. In our case, our continued commitment to innovation has made us the most innovative Spanish utility, and the third most innovative in Europe, according to the European Commission's classification.
Iberdrola group is committed to the best international practices in the field of work-life balance, equality and diversity. Aligned with our policies, we continue to carry out different initiatives in all the countries in which we operate to increase the presence of women in the energy sector and in society in general.
34 % of the contracts formalized in 2023 at Iberdrola were for women under 30 years of age. Although the progress made so far is significant, our goal is to continue moving forward to become an international benchmark in equality, both inside and outside the company.
Iberdrola carries out numerous initiatives to support the professional development of women in STEM areas and to advance towards real equality of opportunities. Aimed especially at young women, these programmes also seek to be a benchmark for those girls who will be the scientists, engineers and researchers of the future.
The measures are aimed at preventing inequalities between working men and women. The European Union estimates that on average women spend 22 unpaid hours every week caring for their children, 12 more than men.
El deporte, inicialmente un campo exclusivo de los hombres, ha cambiado a lo largo de la historia gracias a los hitos conquistados por las mujeres. Algunas fueron víctimas de discriminación, pero su lucha y sus logros sentaron precedente y se convirtieron en inspiración para muchas otras. El interés por el deporte femenino ha crecido en las últimas décadas, pero aún queda mucho por hacer hasta conseguir una igualdad real.
Considered one of the world's best rugby players, Patricia García competed at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics and the 2013 and 2018 world championships. Her life has been one of hard work and determination, qualities that have enabled her to overcome the obstacles she has faced during her career in sport.
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