Iberdrola is developing huge projects with the aim of boosting the sustainable development, promoting the renewable energy and implementing emerging technologies. Innovative and complex engineering works are needed to develop such a constructions.
Iberdrola has contributed to making one of the award-winning solutions in the Start-up Challenge 'Automation of the construction of electrical transmission facilities' a reality, together with the Finnish company Hyperion Robotics. An innovative technique for the sustainable construction of concrete structures: with 75 % less materials, up to 20 % less direct costs and the same levels of quality, efficiency and safety. This pilot project marks a milestone in the company's aim to minimise the carbon footprint in the construction of its transport network.
Facebook Hyperion Robotics produces the first sustainable concrete structure for Iberdrola, using 3D printing and recycled materials
Twitter Hyperion Robotics produces the first sustainable concrete structure for Iberdrola, using 3D printing and recycled materials
Linkedin Hyperion Robotics produces the first sustainable concrete structure for Iberdrola, using 3D printing and recycled materials
Over the past few days, in collaboration with the Portuguese administration, Iberdrola has synchronised the first 220-MW turbine at the Gouvães hydroelectric power plant, delivering clean power to the grid for the first time. The Tâmega...
Facebook Iberdrola connects first generation unit at Tâmega giga battery, one of Europe’s largest pumped storage plants
Twitter Iberdrola connects first generation unit at Tâmega giga battery, one of Europe’s largest pumped storage plants
Linkedin Iberdrola connects first generation unit at Tâmega giga battery, one of Europe’s largest pumped storage plants
Cutting and pasting genes is the basis of CRISPR, the gene editing technique that, discovered five years ago, is already bearing its first fruits in the treatment and diagnosis of various diseases and ailments. We explain what this technology is and what it is used for.
Photovoltaic solar energy is obtained by converting sunlight into electricity using a technology based on the photoelectric effect.
Their main purpose is to store water during off-peak periods, using it to generate energy during peak consumption periods.
The uncertainty surrounding how wind behaves is the main handicap when building a wind farm, especially in places with a complex orography. Where and how can wind turbines be installed to maximise the production of wind power? Supercomputing has the answer.