The best corporate reputation is fueled with high quality employment, education and professional development. In order to achieve that goal, we defend a human resources' model that allow us to identify, maintain and promote the talent and, at the same time, boosting personal and professional development.
Promoting inclusion and intergenerational dialogue and knowing how to manage this diversity in companies is crucial, both socially and strategically, to contribute to a pleasant and productive working environment.
According to Merco Talent 2023, Iberdrola has been recognised as the company with the second highest capacity to attract and retain talent in Spain. In addition, we have achieved the leading position in the energy, gas and water sector.
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Job hopping is a trend that is growing exponentially in the labour market and mainly refers to professionals who change jobs frequently and voluntarily. They are known as job hoppers and their aim is a constant search for new challenges. Although they rarely settle in a company, unless they are offered the possibility of jumping internally, companies have begun to value them positively.
Going out in search of talent or attracting it like a magnet? More and more companies are opting for the latter, a strategy known as Inbound Recruiting, and they do so not only through attractive job vacancies, but also by attracting professionals with a value proposition that makes them irresistible. To do this, it is essential to develop Employer Branding and other talent attraction techniques.
Talent is a differential value for companies on their path to success. As a result, companies are devoting ever increasing time and resources to enhancing their reputation and value proposition towards employees. The aim is to capture, attract and retain talent, as well as to increase engagement. Below, we review the main strategies for building human capital loyalty.
Stability is one of the features of employment at Iberdrola: almost 99% of our workers have a permanent contract.