Digitisation is an essential part of business management, information storage, process control and communications in all industrial sectors, including energy.
If a machine develops a fault, the negative repercussions for a company in terms of both service and finances can be enormous. This is why more and more companies are opting for predictive maintenance, a series of actions and techniques that are applied with the aim of anticipating errors. Below, we explain in detail what it consists of and what its main advantages are.
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors, recently announed that his company would start developing androids in 2022 with the intention of them taking over the dangerous, repetitive and boring tasks currently performed by humans. Although some have questioned the announcement, the truth is that other companies, such as Honda and Toyota, among others, have been working on this type of machine for years which will sooner or later become an everyday part of life.
In an increasingly digital world, the line between the real and the virtual is becoming increasingly blurred. And it will become even more blurred if the metaverse becomes a reality. The goal of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and other major technology leaders is to create a virtual network through which people can interact and carry out activities online, from shopping to going to a concert or playing a video game, so that the network becomes another stage in our lives.
In a digital world, the number of cyber-attacks is on the rise. In fact, according to Kaspersky, a leading cybersecurity company, in 2024 up 28% from 2023.. As a consequence, so does concern and investment in protection systems. These attacks can compromise all kinds of information, putting companies and individuals at risk. Below, we review some of them and how to protect yourself against them.
Natural language processing (NLP) brings together two disciplines as apparently distant as linguistics and artificial intelligence. Today, this field of computer science, which consists of transforming natural language into a formal language — such as programming — that computers can process, is constantly evolving and its applications are growing.
Iberdrola makes the Advance Virtual Assistant available to shareholders on occasion of its 2023 General Shareholders’ Meeting. AVA is a chatbot designed to immediately answer questions about the Meeting and facilitate shareholder participation.