Decarbonisation is the process of reducing the amount of carbon, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), sent into the atmosphere. Its objective is to achieve a low-emission global economy to attain climate neutrality via the energy transition.
As part of its strategy towards energy transition, and with the aim of contributing to the decarbonisation of the economy, Iberdrola is committed to digitalising more than 80% of its transmission and distribution networks by 2025. Grids are...
Facebook More than 80% of Iberdrola’s high and medium voltaje grids worldwide will be smart by 2025
Twitter More than 80% of Iberdrola’s high and medium voltaje grids worldwide will be smart by 2025
Linkedin More than 80% of Iberdrola’s high and medium voltaje grids worldwide will be smart by 2025
The electricity sector is the best available energy vector to incorporate renewable facilities. Iberdrola promotes the decarbonisation of the economy through greater electrification, especially in sectors such as transport (through electric vehicles) and buildings (through heat pumps).
Facebook Iberdrola is committed with the electrification as the no regret option for a sustainable economy
Twitter Iberdrola is committed with the electrification as the no regret option for a sustainable economy
Linkedin Iberdrola is committed with the electrification as the no regret option for a sustainable economy
The objective of both the Paris Agreement and the commitments being made by Europe is that of an emission-free society by 2050. By then, the energy carriers will have to be fully decarbonised, meaning there will no place for the fossil fuels being used today.
Iberdrola's CEO, Ignacio Galán, urged last year at COP26 in Glasgow to move from promises to action in commitments to tackle climate change. For the past 20 years, the company has taken on an important leadership role in the decarbonisation of...
International electricity markets are undergoing regulatory changes in response to the technological and social advances brought about by the global challenge of decarbonising the energy model while maintaining a sustainable and effective supply.
Iberdrola, a world leader in solar and wind energy, has reached an agreement with BBVA to offer individuals and companies in Spain sustainable energy solutions that enable them to save on their bills and improve their energy efficiency. To...