Computer security involves regulations, procedures, methods and techniques destined to achieve a reliable and secure information system. Security is one of the main challenges that both users and organizations are facing. At Iberdrola we are committed to IT security and we provide our suppliers with a mailbox for reporting possible incidents in this area. You can find all the information here [PDF].
In a digital world, the number of cyber-attacks is on the rise. In fact, according to Kaspersky, a leading cybersecurity company, in 2024 up 28% from 2023.. As a consequence, so does concern and investment in protection systems. These attacks can compromise all kinds of information, putting companies and individuals at risk. Below, we review some of them and how to protect yourself against them.
Just as in your life you have an identity that defines you and differentiates you from others according to your name, traits, personal characteristics, acts... On the Internet you also have what is known as digital identity.
For a lot of people, the concept of biometrics sounds like something very remote, extremely scientific or completely unheard of. But the truth is that we are seeing it more and more in our daily lives and they say it will soon end up replacing our passwords or door keys.
Social networks have become our photo albums, our bulletin boards, even our voice. We publish what happens to us during the day, we give our opinion on news, we participate in debates... And all this, very often, publicly.
It quickly installs in your system and kidnaps your files. The only way to get them back is by paying a ransom... Do you know what we are talking about?
Nowadays there are applications for practically everything (instant messaging, online stores, banks, news, social networks...). From any of our devices we can have the service we want in just a few seconds. But are we doing so in a safe manner?