#Basque country
Find here all Iberdrola's content, projects and information related to Basque country.
The Iberdrola Chairman, Ignacio Galán, met today in Bilbao with the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, to whom he ratified the company’s commitment to the Basque Country and its firm commitment to continue contributing to the revitalisation of the...
Facebook Galán confirms to Urkullu the commitment to the Basque Country: Iberdrola’s socio-economic contribution will rise to 15 billion euros during 2020-2025
Twitter Galán confirms to Urkullu the commitment to the Basque Country: Iberdrola’s socio-economic contribution will rise to 15 billion euros during 2020-2025
Linkedin Galán confirms to Urkullu the commitment to the Basque Country: Iberdrola’s socio-economic contribution will rise to 15 billion euros during 2020-2025
Iberdrola is moving forward with innovative renewable energy projects, with the aim of maximising energy use and continuing to promote the efficient integration of renewable energies into the electricity grid. The energy company will build on...
Facebook Iberdrola will install the first battery in a wind power project at the Elgea-Urkilla wind farm in the Basque Country
Twitter Iberdrola will install the first battery in a wind power project at the Elgea-Urkilla wind farm in the Basque Country
Linkedin Iberdrola will install the first battery in a wind power project at the Elgea-Urkilla wind farm in the Basque Country
The Chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, received the Euskadi Avanza Award for “Company of the Year”, which recognises Iberdrola's crucial contribution to Basque society through its leadership, innovation, job creation and wealth. The prize,...
Facebook Ignacio Galán receives the Euskadi Avanza Award awarded to Iberdrola as Company of the Year
Twitter Ignacio Galán receives the Euskadi Avanza Award awarded to Iberdrola as Company of the Year
Linkedin Ignacio Galán receives the Euskadi Avanza Award awarded to Iberdrola as Company of the Year
Iberdrola chairman, Ignacio Galán, accompanied the Spanish royals, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia, during their visit to the Basque country. Galán took part, together with the royal couple, in a meeting organised by the CEOE (the Spanish...
Iberdrola group chairman and chief executive Ignacio Galán took part in a work meeting at Torre Iberdrola this morning on the fiscal incentive programme for innovation launched by the Provincial Government of Bizkaia. During his talk, Galán...
Facebook "We Basque businesses learned generations ago that companies must innovate or cease to exist"
Twitter "We Basque businesses learned generations ago that companies must innovate or cease to exist"
Linkedin "We Basque businesses learned generations ago that companies must innovate or cease to exist"
“As sophisticated as concepts like the Internet of things, robotics, artificial intelligence and big data may be, none of their functionalities will be possible without a reliable infrastructure that provides the power they need to operate....
Facebook The Chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, took part today in Bilbao in the lecture series ‘Looking out on a digital world’
Twitter The Chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, took part today in Bilbao in the lecture series ‘Looking out on a digital world’
Linkedin The Chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, took part today in Bilbao in the lecture series ‘Looking out on a digital world’