Start-up challenge: Decarbonization and electrification of the agricultural and livestock sector
We are looking for innovative solutions for the electrification of the countryside and the promotion of renewable energies in rural areas
Iberdrola’s start-up programme - PERSEO - in collaboration with La Asociación Agraria de Jóvenes Agricultores (ASAJA) and WOLARIA, is looking for technological solutions that enable the decarbonisation and electrification of the agricultural and livestock sector.

Iberdrola integrates the conservation of the biological diversity of ecosystems as an essential part of its strategy, making the supply of competitive, clean, and sustainable energy fully compatible with the balance of the environment and committed to achieving the full preservation of biodiversity by 2030.
Between 2022 and 2023, Iberdrola has carried out more than 1,600 actions to protect biodiversity, combining the development of renewable projects with the conservation of the diversity of flora and fauna and the care of natural heritage. It has also set a reforestation target of 20 million trees by the end of the decade, capable of capturing approximately six million tonnes of CO2 in 30 years.
Description of the challenge
Iberdrola, through its startup programme - PERSEO - and in collaboration with ASAJA and WOLARIAEnlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. , seeks innovative solutions that enable the decarbonization and electrification of the agricultural and livestock sector, promoting the dissemination of renewable energies in rural areas and the electrification of the countryside.
The aim of the challenge is to promote and support zero-emission agriculture and livestock farming by implementing solutions for energy efficiency, self-consumption, sustainable mobility, etc. In addition to other measures in favor of biodiversity, CO2 capture, circular economy and the promotion of new zero-emission fertilizers.
This way, the challenge will be divided into 5 categories:
- Energy efficiency and self-consumption measures: Reduction of emissions from energy use from, among others, farm air-conditioning, irrigation and other mechanised processes in rural areas.
- Sustainable mobility and electrification of agricultural machinery: Reduction of emissions from the use of fuels for mobility and agricultural work.
- CO2 capture and improving biodiversity: Solutions that allow the sequestration of CO2 in soils and the generation of carbon credits.
- Circular economy and methane emissions: Solutions and business models that enable zero-emission management of agricultural and livestock waste, as well as emissions from animal digestive processes, with the aim of obtaining carbon-neutral products.
- Zero-emission fertilisers: Reduction of emissions associated with synthetic fertilizers.
In order to select the best proposals, the following requirements, among others, will be taken into account:
Degree of electrification of the proposal (if applicable), associated emissions and respect for the environment.
Maturity, reliability and scalability of the solution.
Simplicity of installation and operation of the solution.
Cost of investment and operation of the solution.
Optimization of current costs.
The degree of strategic maturity of the company.
A team of experts from Iberdrola, ASAJA and WOLARIAEnlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. will be responsible for selecting the innovative solution(s) that will enable the decarbonization and electrification of agricultural and livestock sectors.
The prize
The prize will consist of a collaboration and test agreement with PERSEO or any other group company, which will support the cost of these activities and provide the winner with all necessary technical support, as well as a site and real data to test the solution, providing access to equipment, teams, infrastructure, high technology sites and shared work areas.
If the assay or test of the concept is satisfactory, Iberdrola may offer the participant the opportunity to scale up the solution, adapting it by means of commercial agreements.
In addition, PERSEO may consider investing in the participating company and/or in the winning solution of the challenge.
In addition, the start-up will have the option of receiving strategic and market advice from the Institute of Competitiveness of Castilla y LeónEnlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. within the framework of its WOLARIA
Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. program.
The deadline for registration was between 9 June and 10 July 2022. The winner was announced in August 2022.
Institute for business competitiveness of the regional government of Castilla and León
The Regional Government of Castilla y León, through the Institute for Business Competitiveness (ICE)Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. , works to strengthen the business network in the region, with support and funding for entrepreneurship, growth and investment in companies, R&D&I, internationalisation and the search for business land. It also offers a comprehensive service to entrepreneurs and has WOLARIA
Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. , the region's start-up accelerator, which promotes businesses with high growth potential.
To facilitate the arrival of startups in the market, ICE has launched its WOLARIAEnlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. Open Innovation programme, which aims to solve the challenges of the region's leading industries and entities. This is the context of the alliance with IBERDROLA and the launch of this challenge.