Law for engineers
A pioneering educational initiative
The publication of these works joins the training and social ends: financial profits made will go to the energy access program by the ICAI Engineers for Development Foundation.
Since 2008, Iberdrola has participated in a pioneering educational initiative with the coordination, editing and publication of several works related to law in the engineering sector.
These publications, prepared in collaboration with the ICAI Engineers' National AssociationExternal link, opens in new window., are designed to provide basic legal knowledge to engineers in any speciality to help them carry out their professional activity.
The first publication in 2008 was the Legal Manual for Engineers which has become a benchmark thanks to its overview of legal regulations, focusing on those aspects which are more useful to engineers.
In 2009, following the success of the Manual amongst professionals in the sector, the first four Legal Journals for Engineers External link, opens in new window. were written. These were published to provide engineers in any speciality with the information on legal aspects they need to carry out their daily work.
The Legal Journals for Engineers are currently divided into fifty five volumes covering topics that combine law and engineering knowledge. For each of the topics covered, experts of recognised prestige from universities or law firms were consulted.
In 2022, the "Handbook of Law for Engineers. Law at the beginning of the 21st century: new challenges and tensions". This edition is not intended as a mere legal and jurisprudential update of the subjects covered in the 2008 publication, but rather:
- It proposes a new structure and a systematic, complete and selective review of the different branches of Law, focusing on the substantial changes that have taken place since the first publication, both due to the appearance of new subjects linked to the technological, social and economic transformations of the beginning of this century, as well as to the evolution of the traditional disciplines of Law;
- The aim is to provide a general knowledge, albeit at a primary and elementary level, of the different branches of law to its target audience.
This edition brings the Law for Engineers collection to a close and opens a new stage, giving a new dimension to the project, revising the focus and adopting a more dynamic and digital format. Thus, the Legal Leadership project has arisen, with which we intend to carry out a critical analysis of the legal and regulatory frameworks on certain matters of common interest linked to Iberdrola's industrial and social activity and leadership, in order to anticipate regulatory changes and create quality opinion.
Contribution to sustainability
The profits from these works throughout the years are delivered to the ICAI Engineers for Development Foundation External link, opens in new windo w. and reinvested by this foundation in its Energy Access Program, itself comprising various projects.
Specialist publications for engineers
Legal Journals for Engineers I-IV
Legal Journals for Engineers V-XII
Iberdrola presents it Legal Manual for Engineers. This publication, drawn up in conjunction with the ICAI Engineers' Association
External link, opens in new window. and publisher La Ley, is designed to be a benchmark guide for professionals in the industry, providing them with in-depth knowledge of those regulations directly affecting their professional activities.
Iberdrola chairman, Ignacio S. Galán, in the foreword to the manual, states:
"In its pages readers will find, arranged in 10 chapters, the main areas of law — from natural to constitutional, European Union, procedural, civil, trade, administrative, labour, tax and criminal law — with their respective principles and basic legal tools. At the same time, it features an interesting chapter devoted to one of the biggest areas of concern for companies, corporate governance."
The guide was produced thanks to the participation of experts in each of these legal fields, with the goal of providing the utmost clarity in the different issues it outlines and helping to better define the links between two worlds, law and engineering, which have be connected on more levels than it would appear at first glance.
For more details on the content of this work, you can download the table of contents and list of authors: