Lighting projects in Spain

We are lighting up Spain's cultural heritage

Iberdrola's Lighting Programme, carried out through its foundation in Spain, has had an investment volume of more than 3 million euros since 2009 and has led to improvements in the lighting of more than 40 monuments, including the Monastery of Guadalupe (Cáceres), the New Salamanca Cathedral, the Ávila Cathedral, the historic Alcántara Bridge (Cáceres) and the façade of the Congress of Deputies (Madrid). These projects not only highlight ornamental elements, but also contribute to energy efficiency.

 Palencia Cathedral

In November 2019, Iberdrola signed an agreement for the upgrading of the interior lighting of Palencia cathedral External link, opens in new window. with the aim of highlighting the beauty of the architectural elements of the building.

The cathedral of San Antolín, which is built in the shape of a Latin cross with three naves and two transepts, will be illuminated using the latest LED technology, while respecting the spiritual and heritage values of the building. The illumination of this Gothic-style place of worship, with elements typical of the Roman and Visigoth periods, is a clear example of the commitment of the company to Castilla y León in support of the promotion of the social value of culture and the conservation of the region's heritage.

La nueva iluminación pone el foco en las bóvedas de la nave central y laterales, el trascoro, el coro, el Retablo Mayor y la Capilla del Sagrario. Además, se ha dado un tratamiento especial a la nueva iluminación de la cripta, a la que se ha dotado de unas luminarias encastradas en cilindros de alabastro diseñadas expresamente para este proyecto.

La catedral de San Antolín, erigida sobre una planta de cruz latina de tres naves y dos cruceros, es Monumento Nacional desde 1929.

 Palacio del Tribunal Supremo (Madrid)

Gracias al apoyo de Iberdrola —a través de su fundación en España—, el Tribunal Supremo ha inaugurado la iluminación ornamental exterior de las Portadas de plaza Villa de París y de Marqués de la Ensenada de su emblemático edificio madrileño.

Con este innovador proyecto de iluminación, que ha buscado un efecto de "iluminación natural", se realzan los cuerpos centrales de cada una de las fachadas del Tribunal Supremo, situándolos como eje de referencia en cada uno de los entornos: plaza Villa de París y calle Marqués de la Ensenada. Los demás paños del edificio se han dejado sin iluminar para minimizar la invasión lumínica del edificio sobre el resto del entorno urbano.

El proyecto ha contado con una inversión de 180.000 euros y se han utilizado focos regulables en potencia para conseguir una iluminación uniforme. En concreto se han instalado más de 70 proyectores y más de 130 metros de tira led flexible, con una potencia total de solo 4,3 KW.

  Iglesia del Santo Cristo de la Misericordia (Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real)

La colaboración entre Iberdrola, a través de su fundación en España, el Ministerio de Fomento y el ayuntamiento de Valdepeñas ha hecho posible la reinauguración del templo del Santo Cristo de la Misericordia Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. en dicha localidad, tras una rehabilitación integral que ha durado nueve años (2011-2020).

La inauguración de la apertura de la Iglesia contó con la asistencia del presidente de la Fundación Iberdrola España, Fernando García Sánchez; el párroco de la iglesia Emilio Jesús Montes Romero; el alcalde de Valdepeñas, Jesús Martín Rodríguez, y la subdelegada del gobierno, María Ángeles Herreros Ramírez.

La iglesia, declarada Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC) en 1982, fue cerrada al culto público en 1984, y su deterioro se fue incrementado tras esa fecha de forma gradual.

El proyecto de restauración se ha completado con el diseño y ejecución de la iluminación ornamental interior —donde se han colocado 68 luminarias con una potencia total de solo 1.700 W— para poner en valor la composición de cruz latina y los principales motivos decorativos. También se resaltan elementos singulares como el retablo mayor, altar y retablos de capillas laterales con una iluminación de acento.

El diseño del proyecto aúna estética y eficiencia energética, compatibilizando el uso del tempo para celebración del culto religioso con el turístico, y en él se han invertido unos 50.000 euros.

 Royal Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe (Guadalupe, Cáceres)

Iberdrola has renewed, in September 2020, the exterior lighting of the Royal Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe, one of the greatest architectural symbols of Extremadura, which was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1993.

The unveiling of the new lighting was attended by the chairman of Iberdrola group, Ignacio Galán; the president of the Regional Government of Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara; the provincial minister of the Franciscan Province of the Immaculate Conception, Fr Juan Carlos Moya; and the mayor of Guadalupe, Felipe Sánchez Barba.

"This work to preserve our historical-artistic heritage allows us to raise awareness regarding our origins and culture and promote quality tourism, which will be key to the economic recovery of regions such as this one"

Ignacio Galán, chairman of Iberdrola group

The work carried out by Iberdrola, aimed at revitalizing this monument of the 14th and 15th centuries, enhances the volumes of the architectural whole — with its Gothic, Mudejar, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical styles — and its heights and depths, after reinforcing the upper bodies of the monastery: towers, main façade with its crestings and dome.

The project also contributes to sustainability, by improving energy efficiency by 60 % and avoiding the emission of 5.3 t CO2 per year. The lighting combines the use of the most advanced LED technology, with careful installation and control of the luminous night glow. Likewise, the lighting perimeter of the monastery has been expanded, with the installation of 197 projectors.

  Spanish Centre for National Defence Studies (Madrid)

In July 2020, Iberdrola signed a collaboration agreement with the Ministry of Defence to design and implement a new ornamental lighting system for the Spanish Centre for National Defence Studies (CESEDEN).

The company will install lights with the most advanced LED technology, with the aim of increasing energy efficiency (75 % more on average than analogue bulbs), reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, as well as minimising maintenance work. In addition, the project will highlight the architectural characteristics of the eclectic style façade of this late 19th century building.

 Basilica of Nuestra Señora del Prado (Talavera de la Reina, Toledo)

In February 2020, Iberdrola renewed and modernised the exterior ornamental lighting of the Basilica of Nuestra Señora del Prado in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), which was designated a Site of Cultural Interest in 1993 in the Monument category. The company installed 45 LED spotlights capable of illuminating an area of over 2,000 m2, which enhance and highlight the temple's nocturnal silhouette. Thanks to the new lights, energy efficiency of 60 % is achieved and the emission of 1.6 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere per year is avoided.

  Spanish Navy headquarters (Madrid)

Also in November, the company unveiled the new ornamental lighting of the Monumental Staircase of the Navy Headquarters External link, opens in new window.. This empire-style staircase has since been equipped with lighting that highlights the architectural characteristics of the space, minimises the impact of the lights and blends in with the surroundings thanks to its design.

The project entailed an investment of 50,000 euros and involved the installation of 117 LED lights with a total power consumption of only 2,500 watts, which made it possible to improve energy efficiency by 48 %.

New lighting of the Monumental Staircase of the Spanish Navy headquarters (Madrid).

  Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia)

That same month, Iberdrola signed an agreement to undertake the new interior lighting of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela External link, opens in new window.. This project will receive a contribution of 800,000 euros from its Foundation in Spain and will revamp the interior lighting in the monument, highlighting the distinctive elements of the naves, transept, ambulatory, triforium and Portico of Glory.

The company has been collaborating with the Cathedral of Santiago since 2004, promoting projects such as the lighting of the Puerta Santa. Similarly, in 2015 it backed the complete renovation of the lighting, as well as the electrical control and installations of the Main Chapel and the Sepulchre of the Apostle.

 Projects in Salamanca

In October 2019, Iberdrola also signed an agreement to renew the lighting of the main altarpiece of the Old Cathedral of Salamanca External link, opens in new window.. The aim is to provide the complex with modern and efficient lighting that avoids glare and ensures its conservation. In addition, the new lighting aims to achieve chromatic reproduction that does not alter the paintings.

In May of the same year, Iberdrola unveiled the lighting of the interior of the Chapel of the Colegio Mayor del Arzobispo Fonseca External link, opens in new window., declared an Asset of Cultural Interest. This project succeeded in limiting light pollution, obtaining uniform lighting that emphasises the details of the altarpiece, dome and transept.

In April, the company also inaugurated the decorative lighting inside the New Cathedral of Salamanca External link, opens in new window., which brings to the fore the most noteworthy aspects of this building, been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, as well as improving its energy efficiency by 87 %.

Iberdrola used the most highly advanced LED technology to draw attention to the vaulted ceilings in the lateral and central naves, the transept and the lantern tower, also focusing on specific items in the main chapel and altar, with 6.9 kilowatts of total installed power. The work entailed installing 144 spotlights and 1,400 metres of wiring, which, thanks to meticulous workmanship, is not noticeable to visitors to the galleries of the triforia that encircle the naves of the cathedral.

  Projects in Alcántara (Cáceres)

In June 2019, the company unveiled the new ornamental lighting of the Carlos V Gallery of the Convent of San Benito External link, opens in new window., where Alcántara's Classical Theatre Festival is held every summer. Specifically, the project highlighted the Renaissance-style architecture of this 16th-century convent, as well as providing the entire site with ambient lighting on the theatre steps to assist the audience when walking on them. The new lighting reduces energy consumption by 50 %.

Iberdrola opens the new lighting of the Carlos V Gallery in the San Benito Convent (Cáceres).

This in addition to the renovation of the lighting on the Alcántara Bridge, also undertaken by Iberdrola in 2015.

 Ávila Cathedral

Similarly, in March 2019, the company updated the exterior decorative lighting of Ávila cathedral External link, opens in new window.. This project improves the energy efficiency of the cathedral, which has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, and avoids the emission into the atmosphere of 4.8 tonnes of CO2 per year. In addition, Iberdrola installed the most advanced LED technology over the whole of the cathedral's perimeter, roofs and towers to improve its appearance after dark.

 Prado Museum (Madrid)

The company also worked with the Prado Museum on Lighting the Prado External link, opens in new window.. This ambitious project, completed in 2018, took 4 years and led to a complete renewal of the entire museum lighting system, replacing halogen lighting with LED technology in all its rooms.

 Royal Pantheon of the Collegiate Church of Saint Isidore (León)

Also in 2018, Iberdrola renewed the decorative lighting of the Royal Pantheon of the Collegiate Church of Saint Isidore of León External link, opens in new window.. The project, which involved an investment of €87,000, was made possible by the Collaboration Agreement signed between Iberdrola and the Council of the Collegiate Church of Saint Isidore of León in June 2017, the purpose of which was to highlight the excellence of the cultural assets of this 11th Century chapel.

From left to right: the General Director of Heritage for the Government of Castilla y León, Enrique Saiz; the mayor of León, Antonio Silván; the Abbot-Chairman of the Council of Saint Isidore, Francisco Rodríguez Llamazares, and the Director of the Fundación Iberdrola España, Ramón Castresana.

For this project, the company used LED projected light sources with a colour rendering index in excess of 98 %, which allows the colours to be perceived in much the same way as in natural light. LED technology is also the least harmful for the artwork as it emits no infrared or ultraviolet light. Finally, three natural light sensors were installed, which automatically adjust the light level in the Royal Pantheon's interior.

 Monastery of the Order of Santiago (Uclés, Cuenca)

In May 2018 Iberdrola inaugurated the new exterior lighting for the main door in the southern façade of the Monastery of the Order of Santiago in Uclés (Cuenca), after undertaking a renovation of the decorative lighting that highlights, on the one hand, the impressive size of the façade and, on the other, the architectural details of this monument, whose construction dates back to 1735.

The Chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, together with the Bishop of Cuenca, José María Yanguas; the President of the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Parliament, Emiliano García-Page; and the Secretary of State and Director of the National Intelligence Centre, Félix Sanz Roldán, were present at the switching on of this lighting, for which LED bulbs were used that reduce the total power by 55 %, leading to lower energy costs and less CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Switching on of the new exterior lighting for the main door in the southern façade of the Monastery of the Order of Santiago in Uclés (Cuenca).

 Royal Tapestry Factory (Madrid)

In a similar vein, in February 2018, the company and the Royal Tapestry Factory completed the renewal of the lighting system for the restoration workshop of this institution, equipping it with the latest LED technology. To achieve this, they installed a total of 40 lights and other supporting devices to provide an improved colour rendering index, as well as implementing a control system to regulate the light intensity to suit the needs of the restorer.

This new more modern and efficient lighting system provides a reduction in electricity consumption of over 47 % and a saving of CO2 emissions approaching 3.5 tons a year.

New lighting for the Royal Tapestry Factory, Madrid.

  San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Madrid)

In 2016, Iberdrola updated the lighting system for the first floor of the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, which is dedicated to the rooms with Old Masters, improving the appreciation, enjoyment and conservation of the artwork.


Upgrading of the lighting system on the first floor of the Museum. Video voice transcription (Spanish vesion) [PDF]

  Spanish Congress of Deputies (Madrid)

Since December 2014, the Congress of Deputies has had a low-consumption outdoor lighting system financed, designed and installed by Iberdrola. The new lighting, based on LED technology using only 1,400 watts, reduces energy consumption by 75 % compared to conventional spotlights and highlights the most significant elements of the building's main neoclassical style façade.

 Learn about other lighting projects carried out by the company in Spain External link, opens in new window.