Iberdrola Group Financial and Non-Financial Information Preparation Policy

A constant focus on the transparency of financial information is a strategic goal of Iberdrola

Política de elaboración de la información financiera del Grupo Iberdrola
Política de elaboración de la información financiera del Grupo Iberdrola

Iberdrola Group Financial and Non-Financial Information Preparation Policy

25 March 2025

The Board of Directors of IBERDROLA, S.A. (the “Company”) has the power to design, assess and continuously revise the Company’s Governance and Sustainability System, and specifically to approve and update policies, which contain the guidelines governing the conduct of the Company, and furthermore, to the extent applicable, inform the policies that the companies belonging to the group of which the Company is the controlling entity, within the meaning established by law (the “Group”), decide to approve in the exercise of their autonomy.

In exercising these powers within the framework of legal provisions, the By-Laws and the Purpose and Values of the Iberdrola Group, as well as recognising as a strategic objective ongoing attention to the transparency of the financial and non-financial information that the Company publishes and the impact thereof on its Stakeholders, the Board of Directors hereby approves this Iberdrola Group Financial and Non-Financial Information Preparation Policy (the “Policy”), which respects, further develops and adapts the Ethical and Basic Principles of Governance and Sustainability of the Iberdrola Group with respect to the Company.

1. Scope of Application

This Policy applies to all companies of the Group.

With respect to financial information, this Policy applies to the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, the interim management statements corresponding to the results of the Company and its consolidated group for the first and third quarters of the financial year, and the half-yearly financial report (the “Consolidated Financial Information”).

As regards non-financial information, this Policy applies to the preparation of the consolidated statement of non-financial information of the Company and its subsidiaries, which document also includes the Company’s individual statement of non-financial information (the “SNFI”).

2. Purpose

This Policy is intended to define an orderly process for preparing both the Consolidated Financial Information and the SNFI, applicable to all companies of the Group, that is consistent with the principles of subsidiarity and decentralised management that govern the corporate and governance structure thereof, ensuring that the Consolidated Financial Information and the SNFI are prepared based on information provided by the various companies of the Group and clearly describing the responsibility of their respective management decision-making bodies in such processes.

The preparation process also ensures that the Consolidated Financial Information and the SNFI that the Company formulates, approves and publishes are prepared in accordance with the most stringent criteria and standards, and specifically that:

(i) the Consolidated Financial Information reflects, in all its material respects, a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities, the financial position, the results and the cash flows of the group made up of the companies included in the consolidation; and

(ii) the SNFI reflects, in all material respects, in a reasonable and balanced manner, the environmental, social and corporate governance performance of the consolidated group, with the scope defined by law and in accordance with international standards.

3. Main Principles of Conduct

3.1 Main Principles of Conduct in connection with the Preparation of the Consolidated Financial Information

The main principles of conduct in connection with the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Information are described below:

a) The formulation of the individual financial information of each of the companies of the Group required by applicable law in each case is the responsibility of the management decision-making body of each company.

b) At country subholding companies, the responsibility of their management decision-making bodies shall extend to the formulation of the financial information of the consolidated subgroup made up of the country subholding company and its subsidiaries if required by applicable law or if the management decision-making body of the relevant country subholding company deems it appropriate to formulate such consolidated information.

c) Without prejudice to the provisions of law, the management decision-making body of each company shall also be responsible for the formulation of any financial information relating to its respective company that may be required to prepare the Consolidated Financial Information within the framework of the accounting consolidation process, in accordance with the models and scopes defined by the Company’s Control Division (or by such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) (the “Financial Information for Consolidation”).

d) The management decision-making bodies of the country subholding companies shall also be responsible for approving the Financial Information for Consolidation of the company itself and that of its subsidiaries, which form part of its subgroup.

e) The Financial Information for Consolidation shall be prepared in accordance with the accounting standards established in the Accounting Policies Handbook and with the models approved or defined by the Company’s Control Division (or by such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time).

f) Without prejudice to the principles set forth above, the management teams responsible for preparing the Financial Information for Consolidation of each of the companies of the Group shall coordinate with the Company’s Control Division (or with such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) to reach agreement on the interpretive accounting standards to take into consideration when preparing such information. Any disagreement in this regard shall be reflected in writing when submitting the Financial Information for Consolidation.

g) Within the context of preparing the Consolidated Financial Information, companies with Financial Information for Consolidation that is covered by the scope of the verification procedures applied by the Company’s external auditor shall ensure that the Financial Information for Consolidation has been reviewed by its external auditor before submitting it to the Company’s Control Division (or to such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) in accordance with the process described in section 4 of this Policy, and shall endeavour to ensure the avoidance of major disagreements with the Company’s external auditor in relation to the application of the accounting principles to such Financial Information for Consolidation.

3.2 Main Principles of Conduct in connection with the Preparation of the SNFI

The main principles of conduct in relation to the preparation of the SNFI on which this Policy is based are described below:

a) On an annual basis, the Company’s Board of Directors prepares and submits the SNFI for the approval of the shareholders at the General Shareholders’ Meeting.

b) Prior to its publication for purposes of the call to the General Shareholders’ Meeting, the SNFI shall be subject to assurance by an independent assurance provider appointed by the Board of Directors upon a proposal of the Audit and Risk Supervision Committee.

c) The Sustainable Development Committee: (i) shall determine the general standards, guidelines and principles that must govern the preparation of the SNFI, which shall be further developed and specified by the Corporate Sustainability Division of the Company (or by such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) in a guide for the preparation of the consolidated statement of non-financial information (the “Guide”); (ii) shall verify that the content of the SNFI conforms to the Company’s sustainable development strategy and that it includes a reference to the level of achievement of the Climate Action Plan approved by the Board of Directors; and (iii) shall submit its report to the Board of Directors, prior to the preparation thereby of the SNFI, taking into account the report prepared by the Audit and Risk Supervision Committee referred to in the next paragraph.

d) The Audit and Risk Supervision Committee: (i) shall supervise the process of preparation and presentation of the SNFI; (ii) shall verify the clarity and integrity of the content thereof; (iii) shall report to the Sustainable Development Committee on the two foregoing items prior to the issuance thereby of its report and the preparation by the Board of Directors of the SNFI; and (iv) shall propose to the Board of Directors the appointment of and shall maintain communications with the independent assurance provider responsible for assurance of the information included in the SNFI;

e) The Company’s Corporate Sustainability Division (or such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) shall prepare the SNFI in accordance with the provisions of the Guide and the general standards, guidelines and principles defined by the Sustainable Development Committee.

f) The management decision-making bodies of the country subholding companies (and of the head of business or country companies that are not subordinate to a country subholding company) shall be responsible for the preparation and approval of the non-financial information of the consolidated subgroup made up of the corresponding country subholding company and its subsidiaries that is required to prepare the SNFI in accordance with the models, scopes and procedures defined by the Company’s Corporate Sustainability Division (or such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) pursuant to the provisions of the Guide, which shall include, among other things, the preparation of information segmented by geographical area and by business in line with the standards used to prepare the SNFI.

g) The audit and compliance committees of the country subholding companies shall issue the reports that are required regarding the process of preparation and presentation and the clarity and integrity of the non-financial information corresponding to the respective company.

h) Without prejudice to the foregoing principles, the organisations responsible for preparing the non-financial information for the consolidation of each of the companies of the Group shall coordinate with the Company’s Corporate Sustainability Division (or with such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) to approve the interpretive criteria for the standards applied in the preparation of the SNFI pursuant to the standards, guidelines and general principles defined by the Sustainable Development Committee and pursuant to the provisions of the Guide (the “Information for the SNFI”).

The companies whose non-financial information is required to prepare the SNFI shall provide the Company with all support necessary for the preparation thereof, as well as in the process of assurance thereof by the independent assurance provider.

3.3 Process of Preparing the Consolidated Financial Information and the SNFI

Before the beginning of each financial year, the Office of the Secretary of the Company’s Board of Directors shall inform the Company’s Control Division and Corporate Sustainability Division (or such divisions as assume the respective powers thereof at any time) of the date provided for the adoption of the resolution to formulate or the approval, as appropriate, of the Consolidated Financial Information and the SNFI.

The aforementioned divisions shall communicate to the management decision-making bodies of the Group’s companies the deadlines for submitting the Financial Information for Consolidation and the Information for the SNFI for each company, and in the case of the country subholding companies, for their respective subgroups.

Communications regarding the Financial Information for Consolidation and the Information for the SNFI shall be coordinated with the requests that the chair of the Company’s Audit and Risk Supervision Committee and the chairs of the audit and compliance committees of the country subholding companies (and of the head of business or country companies that are not subordinate to a country subholding company and that have their own audit and compliance committee) send pursuant to the provisions of the General Framework for Relations of Coordination and Information among the Audit Committees of Iberdrola, S.A. and its Group in order to issue the required reports. Moreover, in the case of the Information for the SNFI, the communication shall also be coordinated with the information requests made by the Company’s Control Division (or such division as assumes the duties thereof any time).

The management bodies of the country subholding companies shall prepare and approve the Financial Information for Consolidation and the Information for the SNFI corresponding to their subgroup following a report from their respective audit and compliance committees and based on the information received from their subsidiaries.

Once the Financial Information for Consolidation has been reviewed by their external auditor within the context of its review of the Consolidated Financial Information, they shall send it to the Company’s Control Division (or such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) prior to the date indicated thereby, in order to prepare the Consolidated Financial Information and submit it for the formulation or approval of the Company’s Board of Directors, as appropriate, after a report from its Audit and Risk Supervision Committee.

The management bodies of the country subholding companies, in accordance with the provisions of the Guide, shall also send the Information for the SNFI to the Company’s Corporate Sustainability Division (or to such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) prior to the date indicated thereby, in order to prepare the SNFI.

The Company’s Board of Directors shall prepare the SNFI following a report from the Sustainable Development Committee, which in turn shall have received from the Audit and Risk Supervision Committee a report on the process of preparation and presentation thereof, as well as on the clarity thereof and on the integrity of the content thereof. The SNFI prepared by the Board of Directors shall be verified by the external assurance provider before it is submitted for the approval of the shareholders at the General Shareholders’ Meeting.

4. Powers Vested in the Company’s Audit and Risk Supervision Committee and the Audit and Compliance Committees of the other Companies of the Group in relation to the Financial Information

The provisions of this Policy shall be deemed without prejudice to the powers vested in the Company’s Audit and Risk Supervision Committee and the audit and compliance committees of the other companies of the Group in relation to the financial information of their respective company.

In particular, the Financial Information for Consolidation of the companies that have their own audit and compliance committee must be reported on by such committee before being submitted for the approval of the management decision-making body of the company in question.

Said reports shall be submitted to the Company’s Audit and Risk Supervision Committee pursuant to the provisions of the General Framework for Relations of Coordination and Information among the Audit Committees of Iberdrola, S.A. and its Group.

5. Implementation and Monitoring

For the implementation and monitoring of the provisions of this Policy, the Board of Directors is assisted by the Company’s Control Division (or such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) in relation to the Consolidated Financial Information and by the Corporate Sustainability Division (or such division as assumes the powers thereof at any time) in relation to the SNFI, which shall further develop the procedures required for such purpose.

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This Policy, approved by the Board of Directors on 25 March 2025, combines the content of the Iberdrola Group Financial Information Preparation Policy approved on 24 July 2018 and that of the Iberdrola Group Non-Financial Information Preparation Policy approved on 21 July 2020, which are no longer in effect.