Governance and Sustainability System
A comprehensive and cutting-edge regulatory package
Iberdrola, S.A. was a pioneer in the development of its own internal framework in order to preserve its identity, achieve its purposes and values and realise its corporate purposes and achieve the social dividend in exercise of the corporate autonomy vested therein by law.

The aforementioned internal framework has been conscientiously and progressively developed. Initially configured as a Corporate Governance System, it has evolved with the changing reality, anticipating and adapting to new needs. As a result of this evolution, the Governance and Sustainability System is based on the commitment to sustainability, which enables it to maintain its position as a driver and leader and to continue achieving new objectives, once again exceeding market expectations.
Developed in accordance with applicable law, fully aligned with generally accepted international recommendations in the area and adapted to its business, corporate and institutional reality, is the internal framework of Iberdrola, S.A., governs its management and conduct, that of its directors and that of the other persons to whom it applies, and is particularly intended to ensure the realisation of the purpose and values and of the corporate object, as well as the achievement of the corporate interest and of the social dividend, within the common framework of a firm commitment to sustainability.
The Governance and Sustainability System of Iberdrola, S.A. covers the other companies of the Group based on its status as a holding company, establishing the rules, principles and guidelines that inform any setting of standards that the other companies of the Group approve pursuant to their autonomy.
The Governance and Sustainability System of Iberdrola, S.A. is formally structured into four books:
Introductory Book
In the introductory book, the Purpose and Values of the Iberdrola Group [PDF] comprises the corporate philosophy that informs the focus and organisation of Iberdrola, S.A. and of the other companies of the Iberdrola Group, and guides the strategy and governs the activities, initiatives and decisions thereof. For their part, the Ethical and Basic Principles of Governance and Sustainability of the Iberdrola Group [PDF] inform the rules of IBERDROLA, S.A. and any that the other companies of the Iberdrola Group approve in the exercise of their autonomy, promoting the sustainable creation of value for their shareholders and also considering their other Stakeholders.
Introduction to the Governance and Sustainability System
Approved on: 25/01/2011
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Purpose and Values of the Iberdrola Group
Approved on: 23/02/2016
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Ethical and Basic Principles of Governance and Sustainability of the Iberdrola Group
Approved on: 25/03/2025
Book One. By-Laws and Corporate Organisation
The first book starts with the By-Laws [PDF], a body of provisions approved by the shareholders at the General Shareholders’ Meeting which represents the maximum expression of the corporate autonomy of Iberdrola, S.A. and constitute the primary source of its internal framework and the basis for its Governance and Sustainability System.
In the development of the By-Laws, the rules governing its corporate organisation are particularly significant in the internal framework of Iberdrola, S.A., incorporating best practices in this area and positioning it as a good governance leader. These rules establish the governance rules of the corporate decision-making bodies. They include regulations and procedures that govern, among other things, the composition, powers and rules of operation of its main decision-making and management structures, as well as the duties and obligations of their members.
All of the foregoing operates based on the corporate and governance structure of the companies making up the Iberdrola Group and on its Business Model defined in the by-law rules and in the Foundations for the Definition and Coordination of the Iberdrola Group [PDF]. The reality of a multinational, made up of multiple companies, diversified and efficiently organised and coordinated for the best development of the corporate object and the achievement of the corporate interest of each of them is recognised therein.
1.1. By-Laws
Consolidated text of the current By-Laws, the latest amendment of which was approved on 30 January 2025.
1.2. Regulations for the General
Shareholders Meeting
Last amended by the General Shareholders' Meeting on 17 May 2024, which was registered in the Commercial Registry of Biscay on 27 May 2024.
1.3. Rules of Corporate Decision-making Bodies
Regulations of the Board of Directors
Last amended by the Board of Directors on 25 March 2025.
Pending inscription with the Commercial Registry of Biscay.
Regulations of the Audit and Risk Supervision Committee
Approved on: 24/02/1999
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Regulations of the Appointments Committee
Approved on: 25/03/2015
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Regulations of the Remuneration Committee
Approved on: 25/03/2015
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Regulations of the Sustainable Development Committee
Approved on: 23/11/2010
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Regulations for the Electronic Shareholders’ Forum
Approved on: 20/10/2011
Last amended on: 20/06/2023
1.4. Foundations for the Definition and Coordination of the Iberdrola Group
Approved on: 25/03/2025
Book Two. Corporate Policies
The policies comprising book two are characterised by their function of linking and solidifying ideas and values into modes, patterns and standards of conduct, rationalising management decisions in various areas and on various issues that so require due to the nature thereof:
- The transparency and good governance policies, prepared at the forefront of transparency and good governance best practices, apply to its structure and organisation, its character and dimension, and its nature as a listed holding company of an international enterprise.
- The policies relating to human and social capital are part of the sustainable development strategy and comprise the firm, proactive response of Iberdrola, S.A. to inescapable social challenges, objectives and goals, such as respect for and commitment to human rights, the development of professional relationships based on equal opportunities and non-discrimination, the prevention of harassment and a strong commitment to tackle it, promotion of talent, appropriate knowledge management, professional development and the balance between personal and professional life.
- The natural capital policies reflect the leadership of Iberdrola, S.A. in the development of a sustainable energy model, based on the use of renewable energy sources and smart grids, electrification, efficiency, reduction in polluting emissions and digital transformation, where respect for and the protection of nature inspire its strategy.
- The policies related to the sustainable value chain include the fundamental pillars for the value chain to continue creating competitive advantages in the long-term that result in a greater contribution to society.
2.1. Transparency and Good Governance
Corporate Governance Policy
Approved on: 18/12/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Sustainable Development Policy
Approved on: 18/12/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Stakeholder Engagement Policy
Approved on: 17/02/2015
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Ongoing Shareholder Engagement Policy
Approved on: 17/02/2015
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Shareholder Remuneration Policy
Approved on: 23/10/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Treasury Share Policy
Approved on: 23/10/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Policy Regarding Communication and Contacts with Shareholders, Institutional Investors and Proxy Advisors
Approved on: 26/10/2011
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Board of Directors Composition and Member Selection Policy
Approved on: 25/03/2015
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Director Remuneration Policy
Approved on: 18/12/2007
Last amended on: 17/05/2024
Senior Management Remuneration Policy
Approved on: 18/12/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Corporate Tax Policy
Approved on: 14/12/2010
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
2.2. Human and Social Capital
Policy on Respect for Human Rights
Approved on: 17/02/2015
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Sustainable Human Capital Management and Anti-Harrassment Policy
Approved on: 17/02/2015
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
2.3. Natural capital
Policy on Management and Protection of Nature
Approved on: 18/12/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Climate Action Policy
Approved on: 15/12/2009
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Biodiversity Policy
Approved on: 18/12/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
2.4. Sustainable Value Chain
Competition Policy
Approved on: 20/06/2023
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Purchasing Policy
Approved on: 18/06/2013
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Operational Resiliency Policy
Approved on: 20/02/2024
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Iberdrola Brand Policy
Approved on: 22/06/2015
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Corporate Reputation Policy
Approved on: 18/12/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Security Policy
Approved on: 23/09/2013
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Personal Data Protection Policy
Approved on: 21/07/2015
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Policy on the Responsible Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools
Approved on: 10/05/2022
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Innovation Policy
Approved on: 18/12/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Quality Policy
Approved on: 18/12/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Digital Technology Policy
Approved on: 10/05/2022
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Approved on: 18/12/2007
Last amended on: 25/03/2025
Book Three. Internal Audit, Risks and Compliance
As an essential element of the sustainable development strategy of Iberdrola, S.A., the Governance and Sustainability System contains a robust regulatory framework relating to internal audit, the management of risks and corporate control and compliance, which responds to the most advanced requirements in these areas.
The General Risk Control and Management Foundations of the Iberdrola Group [PDF] define a comprehensive system, the purpose of which is to identify, prevent and mitigate those risks that affect the realisation of the broad and ambitious business enterprise of Iberdrola, S.A. and of the other companies of the Iberdrola Group. Regarding the corporate control, the Basic Internal Audit Regulations [PDF] regulate the nature, organisation and powers of the internal audit function, the basic activity of which consists of independently and proactively endeavouring to ensure the effectiveness of the governance, risk management and internal control processes.
For the preparation of the consolidated financial and non-financial information, Iberdrola, S.A. has approved certain basic principles, defined in a policy that responds to the principles of subsidiarity and decentralised management. Also, to guarantee the independence of the statutory audit, the Audit and Risk Supervision Committee has approved a policy with the basic rules that must govern the selection, appointment, re-election and removal of the statutory auditor and ensure that it has the necessary technical skills to effectively, responsibly and independently perform its work.
Iberdrola, S.A. has a solid and innovative track record in compliance, which it develops on the basis of regulatory requirements and best practices. As part of its Governance and Sustainability System, it has approved a Compliance Policy [PDF] that, together with the Anti-Corruption and Anti-Fraud Policy [PDF] and the Internal Reporting and Whistleblower Protection System [PDF], represent its firm commitment to transparency, and to the ongoing monitoring and penalisation of improper conduct and acts that are illegal or contrary to law or to the Governance and Sustainability System.
The Compliance System of Iberdrola, S.A., which is configured as an effective, autonomous, robust and independent system, which contributes to the full realisation of the Purpose and Values of the Iberdrola Group [PDF] and of the Ethical and Basic Principles of Governance and Sustainability of the Iberdrola Group [PDF]. In particular, the purpose of the Code of Conduct for Directors, Professionals and Suppliers [PDF] is to ensure that Iberdrola, S.A., its professionals and its value chain act in accordance with ethical principles, legality and the Governance and Sustainability System, as well as to prevent, manage and mitigate the risk of regulatory and ethical breaches.
Finally, in view of the presence of Iberdrola, S.A. in the securities markets and the trading thereon of its financial instruments and securities, the Governance and Sustainability System includes the Internal Regulations for Conduct in the Securities Markets [PDF]. These regulations seek to ensure the equal treatment of all investors and the protection thereof against the improper use of inside information or other conduct constituting abuse.
3.1. Corporate Risks and Control
General Risk Control and Management Foundations of the Iberdrola Group
Approved on: 25/02/2025
Last amendment: 25/03/2025
Basic Internal Audit Regulations
Approved on: 20/02/2000
Last amendment: 25/03/2025
Iberdrola Group Financial and Non-Financial Information Preparation Policy
Approved on: 25/02/2025
Last amendment: 25/03/2025
Statutory Auditor Contracting and Relations Policy
Approved by the Audit and Risk Supervision Committee: 23/11/2005
Last amendment: 25/03/2025
3.2. Compliance
Code of Conduct for Directors, Professionals and Suppliers
Approved on: 27/02/2002
Last amendment: 25/03/2025
Compliance Policy
Approved on: 20/06/2023
Last amendment: 25/03/2025
Internal Reporting and Whistleblower Protection System
Approved on: 25/02/2025
Last amendment: 25/03/2025
Anti-Corruption and Anti-Fraud Policy
Approved on: 20/12/2016
Last amendment: 25/03/2025
Regulations of the Compliance Unit
Approved on: 18/12/2021
Last amendment: 25/03/2025
Internal Regulations for Conduct in the Securities Markets
Approved on: 09/07/2003
Last amendment: 25/02/2025
More information about the Governance and Sustainability System
What does the Governance and Sustainability System consist of?
Governance refers to the political, social, economic, institutional and administrative systems by means of which a company is organised. Iberdrola's Governance and Sustainability System [PDF] uses rules to establish the Company's raison d'être and way of being, and to ensure the realisation of its purpose and values and the achievement of its business ends and objectives. It therefore constitutes an internal system of rules, reflectively and progressively developed as an instrument to organise and assure its enterprise, identity and independence.
What is the core of the Governance and Sustainability System?
The By-Laws are the core supporting its entire regulatory system. Approved by the shareholders at the General Shareholders' Meeting, they represent the maximum expression of the corporate autonomy of Iberdrola. They go beyond the minimum content required by law and the usual standards of listed companies. They configure Iberdrola as an integral company, transcending its nature as purely and merely a mercantile company.
What books make up Iberdrola's Governance and Sustainability System?
The Governance and Sustainability System is formally structured into four books: (i) an introductory book, which includes this general introduction, the Purpose and Values of the Iberdrola Group [PDF] and the Ethical and Basic Principles of Governance and Sustainability of the Iberdrola Group [PDF]; (ii) book one, which includes the By-Laws [PDF], the rules of the corporate decision-making bodies and of internal committees, as well as the Foundations for the Definition and Coordination of the Iberdrola Group [PFD]; (iii) book two, with the policies on transparency and good governance, human and social capital, natural capital and the sustainable value chain; and (iv) book three on internal audit, risks and compliance, made up of the rules on risks, corporate control and compliance, with the latter including the Code of Conduct for Directors, Professionals and Suppliers [PDF].
How does the Corporate Governance System evolve towards the Governance and Sustainability System?
The Governance and Sustainability System has been conscientiously and progressively developed. Initially configured as a Corporate Governance System, it has evolved with the changing reality, anticipating and adapting to new needs.
As a result of this transformation, it is be based on the commitment to sustainability, which enables it to maintain its position as a driver and leader and to continue achieving new objectives, once again exceeding market expectations.
In December 2020, Iberdrola took the pioneering step of reformulating its regulatory system around ESG (environmental, social and governance) standards, the three main pillars that the international community uses to measure the impact and sustainability of investments. The Company reorganised the contents to emphasise its environmental and climate change performance and its social commitment, configured as two major programmatic blocks that are to govern its governance and its conduct, as a reflection of its commitment to a competitive and sustainable energy model and promoting its role as a driving force, engine and lever for social change. The third block was created around corporate governance, which includes best governance practices and positions Iberdrola as an international leader in this area.
Iberdrola had previously reformed its internal system in October 2018 in order to formalise its commitment to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on the group's contribution to their achievement through the social dividend generated by means of its business activities.