Our objective is to incorporate the best TALENT, and accelerate their development so that they join the global project of the Iberdrola Group, reinforcing strategic areas and future growth needs.
Polymathy is known as the ability to achieve excellence in several areas of knowledge. The term comes from the Greek πολυμαθής ('polymathós'), which means "one who knows many things" and is often likened to what has come to be called the 'Renaissance woman or man' of whom Leonardo Da Vinci is considered to be the greatest exponent. But are there fewer polymaths nowadays, is it more difficult to be one, and what are the advantages and disadvantages?
Older people often don't feel any different, but they suffer from discrimination, a phenomenon called 'ageism', which can lead to social isolation and deteriorating physical and mental health. That's according to the United Nations Global Report on Ageism, published in March 2021, which urges swift, efficient strategies to address the problem.
TEAL organisations are based on the eponymous paradigm created in 2014 by a former McKinsey & Company executive, Frederic Laloux, after years of searching for a more efficient organisational model. Their main objective is to leverage the talents of employees, who complement each other, by pooling their knowledge and integrating at all levels.