Social contribution

Creating value for society

Social action ESG

Loyal to our firm commitment to creating sustainable value for society at large, Iberdrola Group works tirelessly to strengthen the initiatives that make up our social dividend, with the intention that our activity should nurture the development of the communities in our areas of influence.

We invest to look ahead to the energy transition

Iberdrola is in the midst of a stage of sustainable growth in its main geographical and business areas to continue responding to the challenges of the energy transition, providing solutions that have shaped the company, such as the utility of the future after having anticipated the trends of the sector. 

Get to know our Strategic plan

We create value for our shareholders

We offer ever-greater remuneration to our nearly 500,000 shareholders, and in the 2024 financial year, Iberdrola's share price appreciated by 12%. Including dividend yield, the total shareholder return reached 16.7%, outperforming the Eurostoxx Utilities sector index by nearly 15 points and the Eurostoxx 50, which includes the 50 leading companies in the European Union, by around five points. Additionally, we maintain a constructive, ongoing, and effective dialogue with our shareholders to understand their views and concerns and to encourage their engagement in the company's activities.


We generate employment and encourage professional development

Iberdrola hired 6,000 new professionals in 2024 – 2,100 of whom came from Electricity North West (ENW). Our commitment to the professional development of our nearly 42,300 employees is reflected in an average of more than 70 hours of training per employee per year.

Work with us

We support innovation and entrepreneurship

Innovation will continue to be an essential tool to keep Iberdrola at the forefront of the transformation of the sector, as reflected by our position as the most innovative Spanish utility and the third most innovative in the world. In 2024, we allocated more than €400 million to our R&D&I activities and were the top private European utility in innovation investment for the third consecutive year, according to the European Commission, based on 2023 figures.

Sustainability Report

We take care of the environment and we are committed to energy efficiency

Iberdrola's emissions have been reduced to just 38 gCO2/kWh in Europe, five times lower than the average of European competitors, and 65 gCO2/kWh globally by the end of 2024. Iberdrola achieved the highest score in the "Dow Jones Best-in-Class Index" within the global utilities sector. Additionally, in 2024, the Company marked 25 consecutive years in the "Dow Jones Sustainability Index," being the only European utility to have remained in this international benchmark for sustainability throughout that time.

Energy efficiency

We are strengthening our pull effect with suppliers

Iberdrola implements a responsible supply chain management policy, sharing best practices for sustainability with all its trading partners.


We offer products adapted to the needs of our customers

Commitment to our customers, the more than 100 million people we supply with energy around the world, is evident in the safe, high-quality supply that we offer through increasingly efficient equipment and technologies, together with the best and most innovative energy solutions that we put at their disposal, driven by the intense digital transformation of the company.

Sustainability Report

We are committed to society, training and research

The group's foundations implement programmes in the fields of training and research, conservation of biodiversity, promotion of art and culture, and cooperation.

Social commitment