Social acceptability of renewable energies: Convive Programme
What is the Iberdrola CONVIVE Programme?
The Convive Programme was created with the aim of being a continuous improvement programme that integrates all the initiatives and alliances for the coexistence between renewable energies and their contribution to socio-economic development and the conservation of biodiversity.

Socioeconomic development and biodiversity conservation are two key elements of our decarbonisation strategy, demonstrating that the supply of clean and sustainable energy can and must coexist with society and nature. Maintaining environmental balance and contributing to social and economic development are a fundamental part of our company.
To this end, we created Convive Programme, a programme that integrates all the initiatives and alliances Iberdrola has in this area.
This program integrates specific actions for each project and its location, as well as global actions. There are 3 main areas of action:
- Contributing to socio-economic development: Initiatives that enable the projects' contribution to economic and social development at the local as well as national level.
- Protecting and enhancing biodiversity: Actions that contribute to the integration of facilities into the territory and landscape by improving their contribution to biodiversity.
- Learning from the experts: Improving the impact of renewables and the social acceptance of the energy transition through third party partnerships.
Convive Awards
In 2023 we inaugurated the first edition of the Convive Awards, a competition with the purpose of recognising those initiatives, alliances, companies, actions or local entities that exemplify the integration of renewable energies with socio-economic development and the conservation of biodiversity in Spain.
These awards, presented by Executive Chairman Ignacio Galán in Mérida (Extremadura) in 2023 and in Paredes de Nava (Palencia) in 2024, have a very special value for Iberdrola as they recognise different public and private entities and individuals with human and authentic stories in contact with the territory.

"Iberdrola has a spirit of service that guides, from the outset, all the projects we undertake, from the largest to the smallest. We know that harmony with local administrations and the communities in which we are present is essential to achieve more objectives and to make this energy transition more tangible and fair."
Ignacio Galán
Executive Chairman of Iberdrola
Acknowledgements for the Convive Programme
The foundation for sustainable development Ecodes has included Iberdrola’s Convive Programme among the best business practices in climate action in Spain, through its 10+10 Business Exampes #PorElClima 2023. This diploma recognises us as one of the 10 large Spanish companies that promote a real roadmap for the descarbonization of their activity.
The Ecodes Empresas #PorElClima initiative recognises the private sector’s ability to implement specific initiatives to address the climate emergency and promote the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 2030 Agenda: Challenges to which we at Iberdrola are firmly committed.