Our history
More than 180 years of history
The hallmark of the Group is its steady growth and its forward-looking vision to prepare for society's future energy needs.
Iberdrola in the days of the Waltz, by Julio Medem. Video voice transcription [PDF]
Hard work, talent, commitment and enthusiasm are what bring to life the history of Iberdrola, a group that is now firmly established on both sides of the Atlantic. Right now, the company is the third-largest electricity utility in the world by market capitalisation and the biggest in Europe without state ownership, as well as being a global leader in renewable energies. This position has been built on sound values, a process of integration that has successfully brought together different cultures, and the ability to anticipate the energy needs of society with solutions that will protect the environment for generations to come. This is our story.
Experience, recognition and solidity
- Europe was undergoing a process of change that eventually led to the Second Industrial Revolution.
- Water resources that could be used as energy sources acquired great importance.
- Many cities in the United States saw a boom in companies providing lighting for homes and streets using gas as an energy source. These were the cornerstones of Energy East on the east coast.
- In Spain, Hidroeléctrica Ibérica was set up at a time of maximum energy need, and inspired by the future vision of its founders, who were fully engaged with the society of their time.
Some of the main milestones of the Iberdrola Group
- 1840.- The Hartford City Light Company is set up in the USA (the origin of Iberdrola USA, today Avangrid).
- 1901.- Hidroeléctrica Ibérica is founded in Spain, a company that will later become part of Iberdrola.
- 1907.- The creation of another one of the cornerstones of the company: Hidroeléctrica Española.
- 1918.- The creation of Saltos del Duero, a pioneer in the development of R+D projects.
- 1935.- Inauguration of the Ricobayo Dam, Spain's first large-scale hydroelectric operation.
A complex historical period (1944-1955)
The outbreak of the First World War forced the sector to seek new sources of energy and to set up vast distribution networks.
- American electricity companies began to amalgamate as a way of overcoming the uncertainty caused by the changing economic and financial situation. The stock market crash of 1929 nearly drove these fledgling groups to the wall.
- In Spain, the Civil War (1936-39) brought development to an abrupt halt, destroying facilities and seriously interfering with the maintenance of the few electricity-generation units that were left.
- Outbreak of World War II.
- Spain underwent a period of international isolation in the 1940s and had considerable difficulty acquiring technology and materials.
Some of the main milestones of the Iberdrola Group
- 1944.- Foundation of Saltos del Duero Hidroeléctrica Ibérica. Establishment of Iberduero.
- 1945.- Work started on the Saltos del Sil hydroelectric plant
- 1955.- Establishment of the South of Scotland Electricity Board, the first seed of ScottishPower.
Towards deregulation (1965-1989)
In the 1960s the boom in nuclear energy marked another step forward for the companies that would eventually comprise the Iberdrola Group.
- The 1970s were marked by the search for new energy sources, mergers, and a huge surge in demand and output.
- During the oil crisis the electricity sector played a key role in the recovery
- The process of privatisation began in the electricity sector, and was the first step on the path towards the definitive deregulation of the business
Some of the main milestones of the Iberdrola Group
- 1971.- Start of operations at the Santa María de Garoña nuclear power plant.
- 1981.- Beginning of commercial operations in the first group at the Almaraz nuclear power plant (Cáceres), the first Spanish second-generation nuclear facility.
- 1989.- Start-up of the La Muela hydroelectric plant (Spain).
Wikinger Offshore wind farm project.
Looking ahead to worldwide energy transformation
The basis of internationalisation (1990-2005)
The big electricity companies were starting to operate like genuine multinationals.
- This was the period when the businesses were restructured, and basically divided into Generation, Distribution and Sales.
Some of the key milestones of the Iberdrola group
- 1990.- Constitution of ScottishPower, a benchmark for the sector in the United Kingdom.
- 1992.- Merger of Iberduero and Hidroeléctrica Española. The birth of Iberdrola.
- 1992.- The Carland Cross windfarm starts operations in Scotland.
- 1994.- Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción starts operations.
- 1995.- First expansion of Iberdrola into the Latin American market.
- 1996.- Iberdrola embarks on its first electric car project.
- 1997.- ScottishPower listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
- 1998.- Creation of Energy East after the merger of six companies in the USA.
- 2001.- Iberdrola launches its Strategic Internationalisation Plan and announces its corporate vision of a world whose increasing energy needs will require cleaner and more sustainable sources.
- 2005.- Start of operations at the Maranchón windfarm, the largest in Spain at that time.
Leaders in clean energy (2006-2010)
The company decided not to follow the general trend of diversifying its business and investment in sectors such as telecommunications, but to focus on the energy sector, where they invested in generation and grids in Spain, Mexico and Brazil. This made it well-placed to prepare for the surge in demand of subsequent years.
- Iberdrola opted to make a significant investment in wind power, a business which was then underestimated and even overlooked by competitors, but was on the verge of taking off thanks to the Kyoto Protocol and the European directives that followed.
- Iberdrola's corporate vision outlined in 2001 continued to be one step ahead of the trends in the sector, when they predicted that the surge in world energy demand could only be satisfied by clean and sustainable energy sources.
- In 2007 Iberdrola embarked on a major international expansion and increased its presence in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Some of the main milestones of the Iberdrola Group
- 2006.- Ignacio Galán is appointed the new Chairman of Iberdrola.
- 2007.- Completion of the merger between Iberdrola and ScottishPower.
- 2007.- Iberdrola Renovables is listed on the stock exchange.
- 2008.- Completion of the merger between Iberdrola and Energy East.
- 2009.- The Group attains a capacity of almost 45,000 MW.
- 2009.- Whitelee, the largest windfarm in Europe, opens in Scotland.
- 2009.- The first CO2 storage plant begins operations in Longannet .
- 2009.- Iberdrola undertakes to reduce its emissions below the sector average in Europe.
- 2010.- Completion of the merger between Iberdrola and Iberdrola Renovables.
Sustainable long-term growth (2011-2017)
- The future of the energy sector requires significant investments in order to guarantee supply, competitiveness and sustainability, and to satisfy the worldwide demand for electricity, which is expected to outstrip that of any other form of final energy.
- In 2016, Iberdrola was consolidated as the 'energy company of the future' as a result of its leadership in clean energy — Iberdrola is the first renewable energy producer out of the European utilities and a global leader in installed onshore wind power —, the deployment of smart networks, the development of innovative products and services for its customers and its energy storage capacity (4.5 GW).
- Currently, offshore wind power is one of the keys to the future of the company. The UK, Germany, France and the USA have been chosen as the countries in which the company will develop and expand its activities in this area over the next few years.
Some of the main milestones of the Iberdrola Group
- 2011- Completion of the merger with Elektro.
- 2011.- Start of the work to deploy smart grids in ten geographic areas in Spain, an important step forward in the STAR project after the successful conclusion of the pilot trial in the city of Castellón.
- 2011.- Start of operations of the Dardanelos hydroelectric plant and the Narandiba substation in Brazil.
- 2012.-Completion of the extension of the Whitelee windfarm in the United Kingdom, with 539 MW, one of the largest onshore windfarms in Europe.
- 2012.- Successful installation of the 625,000 smart meters scheduled in the AMI project for the implementation of a new advanced measuring and reading system in the State of Maine (USA).
- 2012.- Start-up of the La Venta III windfarm in Mexico.
- 2013.- Start of the extension of the Santo Estevo hydroelectric plant in Spain.
- 2014.- Start of operations at the La Muela II pumped storage hydroelectric facility, with 850 MW, which together with La Muela I constitutes the largest complex of its kind in Europe, with almost 1,500 MW.
- 2014.- Completion of Iberdrola's first offshore windfarm in the Irish Sea (United Kingdom), West of Duddon Sands, with 389 MW of power.
- 2014.- Completion in Maine of the installation of the high-voltage transmission line connecting the United States and Canada.
- 2014.- Completion of the construction of the Baffin windfarm (202 MW) in the United States.
- 2015.- Start-up of the extension of the San Pedro II hydroelectric power plant in Spain.
- 2015.- Start-up of the Black Law wind farm extension in the United Kingdom.
- 2015.- Closure of the Longannet coal-fired plant in the United Kingdom.
- 2015.- Start-up of the Pier II (66 MW) and Dos Arbolitos wind farms (70 MW), both in Mexico.
- 2015.- Completion of the construction of the Teles Pires hydroelectric plant with a total of 1,820 MW, of which 362 MW correspond to Iberdrola through its share in Neoenergia1.
- 2015.- Avangrid2 is created from the amicable merger between Iberdrola USA and UIL Holdings Corporation, and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
- 2015.- Iberdrola starts to collaborate with the AECC in awareness-raising activities and collecting funds for research.
- 2015.- Iberdrola is granted the contract for an 850 MW combined cycle plant in Northeast Mexico.
- 2015.- Iberdrola secures financing for €325M from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for investments in Spain.
- 2015.- Iberdrola and BMW launch a corporate electric 'car sharing' service.
- 2015.- Iberdrola and Neoenergia grant a contract to Gamesa for the supply of 84 MW in Brazil.
- 2016.- Iberdrola, the only Spanish company amongst the 100 most sustainable in the world.
- 2016.- Iberdrola signs a shareholder agreement with Siemens and will own an 8.1% share in Gamesa, as a result of the merger with Siemens Wind Power.
- 2016.- Iberdrola has commissioned the Calangas wind energy complex in Brazil, the largest wind energy complex in South America.
- 2016.- Navantia and Iberdrola at the delivery ceremony for the first Wikinger offshore wind farm jackets, a project with an investment of approximately €1,400M.
- 2016.- Iberdrola's commitment to promoting women's sports in Spain.
- 2016.- Iberdrola has already installed over eight million smart meters in Spain, thanks to the progress of the STAR project.
- 2016.- Iberdrola launches the Sustainable Mobility Plan with the goal of contributing to a rational use of means of transport.
- 2016.- Iberdrola achieves its best ever quality of supply.
- 2016.- Iberdrola commissions the hydroelectric power plant of Teles Pires (Brazil).
- 2016.- Iberdrola celebrates the tenth anniversary of the Corporate Volunteerism Program.
- 2016.- Over 300,000 homes have hired the personalised rates offered by Iberdrola, achieving a mean 10% saving in their electricity bill.
- 2016.- Iberdrola inaugurates the Dulces Nombres II power plant in Monterrey (Mexico).
- 2017.- Iberdrola builds the tunnel of the Daivões hydroelectric power plant, the first milestone of its Tâmega hydroelectric project (Portugal).
- 2017.- Iberdrola becomes the only Spanish company amongst the 100 most sustainable in the world.
- 2017.- Ignacio Galán stands up for the decarbonisation of the economy in Davos, in a scenario in which global demand is rising.
- 2017.- Installation of the first wind turbine in the Wikinger offshore wind farm (Germany).
- 2017.- Iberdrola has won the tender to supply up to 1,500 MW of offshore wind power capacity in the United States, its first project in North America with this technology.
- 2017.- The company is the successful bidder in a tender for the construction and operation of a combined cycle power plant (766 MW) in the State of Sinaloa (Mexico).
- 2017.- Inauguration of the 'Memory regained. Traces in the History of the United States', exhibited at the Iberdrola Tower building.
- 2017.- Protection of 100% of its customers in Spain against an interruption in the supply of electricity.
- 2017.- Iberdrola to build a wind farm for Apple.
- 2017.- The company installs over 10 million smart meters in Spain.
- 2017.- Neoenergia acquires the businesses of Elektro to create a leading electric utility in Brazil and Latin America.
- 2017.- Iberdrola included again in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index utilities industry group.
- 2017.- Iberdrola crosses 2,000 MW threshold for renewables in the United Kingdom.
- 2017.- Iberdrola renews its support for Women's Universe, the program promoting women's sport.
- 2017.- Iberdrola successfully installs all 70 wind turbines at Wikinger offshore wind farm (Germany).
- 2017.- Net profit reaches €2.41 billion (+18.4%) thanks to international businesses which compensate poor results in Spain.
- 2017.- Iberdrola announces the complete closure of its coal-fired power capacity.
- 2017.- Ignacio Galán visits the COP23 summit in Bonn: "Time for talking has passed, it's time for action now!"
- 2017.- Iberdrola launches the Spanish 'green' hybrid bond market with an issuance of €1 billion.
- 2017.- Trama Tecnoambiental, Instituto Nacional de Eficiencia Energética y Energías Renovables (Ecuador) and Nexus for Development, winners of Iberdrola's II International Energy Cooperation Awards.
- 2017.- Iberdrola signs a long-term renewable energy sales agreement with Google.
- 2017.- HRM King Felipe gave audience to Iberdrola's scholarship recipients.
- 2017.- Iberdrola, awarded 295 megawatts of wind power capacity in Brazil.
- 2017.- Iberdrola's Wikinger offshore wind farm connected to the grid in Germany.
1 Neoenergia, S.A. is 50% + 1 share indirectly owned by Iberdrola, S.A.
2 Avangrid, Inc. is 81,50% owned by Iberdrola, S.A.
The energy of the future (2018-2024)
Changes in the energy sector continue to revolve around three pillars: technological progress, decarbonisation and electrification, and increased customer connectivity.
- These trends strengthen the focus of our three businesses: renewables, networks, and generation and retail.
- We are accelerating the creation of value in our businesses by means of five strategic pillars: geographical diversification, energy transition, efficiency, portfolio optimization and, finally, innovation.
Some of the key milestones of the Iberdrola group
- 2018.- The company signs an agreement with the University of Salamanca to hold the Ibero-American Conference on Sustainable Development Goals.
- 2018.- Iberdrola extends two syndicated multicurrency loans for 5.3 billion euros under the best terms and conditions since 2007.
- 2018.- Announcement of the Iberdrola International Master's Degree Scholarship Program for the 2018-2019 academic year.
- 2018.- Iberdrola wins the Stadium Cup at the 2016 National Sports Awards.
- 2018.- Iberdrola convenes its General Shareholders' Meeting for 13th of April.
- 2018.- Iberdrola will invest €32 billion between 2018 and 2022, building the foundations for sustainable growth in the next decade.
- 2018.- The company will install 25,000 quick charging points for electric vehicle between 2018 and 2021.
- 2018.- For the third year in a row, General Shareholders' Meeting is certificated as sustainable event.
- 2018.- Iberdrola reaffirms its support to the Paralympic sport for Tokio 2020.
- 2018.- Iberdrola launches its calls for its 2019 Social Program in order to support vulnerable collectives.
- 2018.- The company starts the construction of a marine wind farm in the west coast of the United States.
- 2018.- Iberdrola has renewed its Compliance Leader Verification, awarded by the Ethisphere Institute.
- 2018.- Iberdrola receives the European Environmental Award.
- 2018.- Climate Reality Awards 2018 (Al Gore Foundation) to the company that has done the most to fight against climate change.
- 2019.- Iberdrola uses blockchain technology to guarantee that the energy it supplies to consumers is 100% renewable.
- 2019.- The company has been recognised for its commitment to gender equality with its inclusion in the 2019 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) for the second year in succession. It is the only Spanish electricity company to feature in this table.
- 2019.- Iberdrola has been named as one of the world's 100 most sustainable companies.
- 2019.- The group is offering 75 scholarships and research grants in five different countries.
- 2019.- Iberdrola exceeds € 3 billion net profit for the first time, with a growth of 7.5% in 2018.
- 2019.- The company accelerates its global growth with investments of € 34 billion until 2022.
- 2019.- Iberdrola becomes the only Spanish company selected among the most ethical in the world.
- 2019.- Ignacio Galán is re-elected as president of Iberdrola by a large majority of the shareholders' votes.
- 2019.- Iberdrola's first quarter net profit increased by 15% to € 964 million.
- 2019.- Iberdrola is awarded as the Spanish company with the best corporate governance practices by prestigious publication World Finance.
- 2019.- Iberdrola joins Forética, the leading business network on sustainability and corporate social responsibility in Spain and Latin America.
- 2019.- The company launches a call for its Social Programme 2020 to support vulnerable sectors of society with a budget of more than one million euros.
- 2019.- Iberdrola officially opens the Baixo Iguaçu hydroelectric power station, a facility which will supply a million Brazilians with clean energy.
- 2019.- Iberdrola launches i-DE, its new electricity retail brand in Spain, which manages 270,000 km of digitalised electric lines and operates in ten autonomous regions.
- 2019.- In Extremadura Iberdrola starts developing Europe's biggest photovoltaic plant in Europe: the Francisco Pizarro project.
- 2019.- Neoenergia, Iberdrola's affiliate in Brazil, launches the energy sector's largest initial public offering on the São Paulo stock market since 2000.
- 2019.- Iberdrola is included, for the tenth consecutive year, in the prestigious FTSE4Good Index, designed to encourage investment in the world's most sustainable companies.
- 2019.- Iberdrola is the first multinational company to obtain the global AENOR Healthy Company Certificate.
- 2019.- Iberdrola achieves net profits of 1.6 billion euros in the first semester (+16.6% more than the same period the previous year).
- 2019.- Iberdrola moves into the solar business in Portugal.
- 2019.- Iberdrola and the Sustainable Excellence Club announce the 3rd International Energy Cooperation Awards.
- 2019.- Iberdrola is listed on the Stoxx Europe 50 Index based on its good performance on the stock market (with an increase of almost 35% during the year so far).
- 2019.- The East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm starts producing clean electricity.
- 2019.- Iberdrola is listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the 20th time, making it the only European utility to be included in all editions.
- 2019.- Iberdrola is recognised as a LEAD company in the United Nations Global Compact.
- 2019.- Iberdrola powers towards its vehicle fleet electrification goals by joining the EV100 initiative by The Climate Group.
- 2019.- The company commissions two combined cycle power plants in Mexico: Escobedo and El Carmen.
- 2019.- Iberdrola enters into two financial agreements with BEI, worth €690 billion, for renewable energy projects in Brazil and further grid digitalisation in Spain.
- 2019.- The European Commission ranks Iberdrola as Spain's most and Europe's third-most-innovative utility.
- 2019.- Moving for Climate NOW, an Iberdrola initiative, is recognised at the Climate Leaders Awards for its educational efforts on the subject of climate change.
- 2019.- Iberdrola launches at IFEMA the first ever sustainable car park at an exhibition centre in Spain.
- 2019.- Iberdrola, through i-DE, launches the first battery storage system for electricity grids in Spain.
- 2019.- Iberdrola signs a cooperation agreement with COE (Spanish Olympic Committee) to encourage equality in sport.
- 2019.- Iberdrola steps up its commitment to clean energy in Spain with over 400 new MW of photovoltaic electricity, to be commissioned in Extremadura.
- 2019.- Iberdrola becomes the first Spanish company to obtain the AENOR certificate for its Tax Compliance System.
- 2019.- Iberdrola doubles its investment in clean energy in Andalusia, with 1,100 new MW of renewable energy.
- 2019.- Iberdrola progresses toward zero emissions in Europe by 2030.
- 2019.- Iberdrola starts proceedings to develop its first 350 MW photovoltaic plants in Castilla y León: Ciudad Rodrigo and Villarino.
- 2019.- Iberdrola completes construction in one year of the largest photovoltaic plant in Europe: Núñez de Balboa.
- 2020.- At Davos, Ignacio Galán points to electrification as a key factor for the success of the EU Green Deal, which may double investment in the sector in coming decades.
- 2020.- Orange chooses Iberdrola to provide green energy for 9,000 supply points in its own network over the long term.
- 2020.- Record investments of €8.158 billion take Iberdrola's net profit to a record €3.4 billion in 2019, 13% up on 2018.
- 2020.- Iberdrola steps up its commitment to offshore wind power in France after acquiring 100% of the share capital of Ailes Marines to drive the Saint-Brieuc Project (496 MW).
- 2020.- Iberdrola guarantees electricity supplies and activates its action plan to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
- 2020.- Iberdrola commissions Europe's largest photovoltaic power station: the Núñez de Balboa plant (500 MW) in Badajoz.
- 2020.- In March, Iberdrola makes orders from suppliers worth €2.9 billion in the throes of the coronavirus crisis.
- 2020.- The company purchases almost €4 billion of goods and services from 10,000 suppliers during the first quarter of the year, double the amount in 2019.
- 2020.- Iberdrola records ordinary net profits of €968 million to March, a rise of 5.3%, thanks to record investments of almost 10 billion during 2019.
- 2020.- Iberdrola purchases French renewables company Aalto Power, which has 118 MW onshore wind generation in operation and a portfolio of 636 MW of projects in various stages of development.
- 2020.- Iberdrola acquires two onshore wind projects (165 MW) in Scotland from 3R Energy and Mitchell Energy at a cost of almost €190 million.
- 2020.- Last year, Iberdrola paid €8.16 billion in direct taxes around the world, €217 million more than in 2018.
- 2020.- Ignacio Galán announces that Iberdrola will invest between €3-4 billion in France in the next four years to continue growing in the renewables sector.
- 2020.- Iberdrola is the first multinational listed on the Ibex 35 to gain AENOR certification for its COVID-19 action protocol.
- 2020.- Iberdrola boosts the green recovery by commissioning the first major wind complex in Spain since the COVID-19 outbreak.
- 2020.- Iberdrola has completed more than 1,450 initiatives to protect biodiversity around the world since 2018.
- 2020.- Iberdrola awards the biggest offshore wind power contract in its history, worth €350 million, to Navantia-Windar.
- 2020.- Iberdrola moves into Sweden with the signing of majority purchase option to develop eight offshore wind projects (9 GW).
- 2020.- Ignacio Galán receives the National Prize for Innovation and Design 2019 in the Track Record for Innovation category from their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain.
- 2020.- Iberdrola secures loans worth €800 million from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Official Credit Institute (ICO) to drive the green recovery in Spain.
- 2020.- Iberdrola is the first company in the world to obtain AENOR certification for its COVID-19 protocol.
- 2020.- Iberdrola increases investment to €3.58 billion and posts a net profit of €1.8 billion up to June, up 12.2%.
- 2020.- Iberdrola to build and operate the world's largest on-site photovoltaic self-consumption system for SABIC.
- 2020.- Iberdrola listed for the 11th consecutive year on the prestigious FTSE4Good international index.
- 2020.- Iberdrola makes Spain a world class innovation centre for smart grids to lead the energy transition with the Global Smartgrid Innovation Hub.
- 2020.- Iberdrola launches the first collaborative electric vehicle charging app for private users.
- 2020.- Iberdrola sets its sight on Australia as work starts on the world's first hybrid wind and solar farm in Port Augusta.
- 2020.- After 10 years in operation, SEO/BirdLife's Migra programme has gathered information on 1,173 birds belonging to 33 different species.
- 2020.- The Nasdaq welcomes Iberdrola as the first Spanish issuer to join the sustainable bond network.
- 2020.- Iberdrola increases investment by 23% as of September — to €6.6 billion — and its net profits by 5%, up to €2.68 billion.
- 2020.- Iberdrola makes its largest ever bond issue worth €3 billion.
- 2020.- Iberdrola to operate a giant storage system with network batteries in Australia.
- 2020.- Iberdrola and Fertiberia join forces to make Spain a European leader in green hydrogen with an 800 MW target and an investment of €1.8 billion by 2027.
- 2020.- Iberdrola starts installing Spain's most powerful onshore wind farm in Castilla y León.
- 2020.- Iberdrola launches a €75 billion investment plan with a 2025 horizon to make a decisive contribution to the economic recovery.
- 2020.- Ignacio Galán receives the Management Leadership Award from the Spanish Quality Association (AEC).
- 2020.- Iberdrola collaborates with the world's leading electrolyser manufacturer, Norwegian company Nel, to make Spain a leader in green hydrogen technology and industry.
- 2020.- Iberdrola is selected as a leading company in the 1st edition of the OpenODS Index after achieving the highest total score in the three phases of implementing the Agenda 2030 for the OpenODS System.
- 2020.- Iberdrola accepts the MAPFRE Responsible Inclusion award for its commitment to disabled people.
- 2020.- Iberdrola ramps up its entrepreneurship strategy by allocating €40 million to invest in emerging innovative industrial companies for the energy transition.
- 2020.- Iberdrola steps up its commitment to Brazil with the acquisition of the Brasilia distributor for €400 million.
- 2020.- Ignacio Galán wins the award for Financial Personality of the Year from newspaper El Economista for his key role in the international growth of Iberdrola.
- 2020.- Iberdrola reinforces its offshore wind strategy by entering the Polish market.
- 2021.- For the eighth year in a row, Iberdrola has been recognised by the Ethisphere Institute as one of the world's most ethical companies.
- 2021.- Expansion in Asia-Pacific with the opening of a new growth platform in Taiwan , where it will develop a portfolio of 6,000 MW of offshore wind projects.
- 2021.- Project development in Greece: the company awards 102 MW with the most powerful onshore wind turbines on the market.
- 2021.- Demolition of the chimneys of the Velilla coal-fired power stations in Spain and Longannet in the UK.
- 2021.- Iberdrola increased its "green" capacity by 10% to 37,300 MW in the first nine months.
- 2021.- Iberdrola begins construction of the 15 MW El Puntal II wind farm, which will have the company's most powerful and largest wind turbines in the country.
- 2021.- Iberdrola begins construction of Vineyard Wind 1, the first large offshore wind farm in the United States.
- 2021.- Iberdrola and H2 Green Steel sign €2.3 billion green hydrogen agreement.
- 2021.- For the second consecutive year, the energy company is selected as a benchmark company in the OpenODS Index, occupying first place in this ranking.
- 2021.- Iberdrola, among the 10 best companies in the world in terms of integration of women, according to the World`s Top Female Friendly Companies 2021 study.
- 2021.- Iberdrola is once again included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, making it the only European utility that has been present in the index during its 22 editions.
- 2021.- According to Standard & Poor 's, the company is the best energy company in the world in terms of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria.
- 2021.- Iberdrola invests 337.5 million euros in Innovation, Development and Research (R&D&I) activities throughout 2021, an increase of 15% over the previous year.
- 2021.- The company enters the world's most prestigious climate change indicator, the CDP, with the highest score.
- 2022.- Iberdrola expands its offshore wind business in Asia with an option to enter the Philippines.
- 2022.- Iberdrola wins the UK's largest offshore wind auction with an investment of 22.5 billion euros.
- 2022.- Ignacio Galán meets with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in the framework of the Davos Forum.
- 2022.- Iberdrola starts up its largest power line of almost 730 kilometres in Brazil.
- 2022.- New call for the Iberdrola International Master Scholarship Programme for the academic year 2022-23.
- 2022.- Iberdrola supports refugees from the invasion of Ukraine with 8,000 volunteers.
- 2022.- Iberdrola, included for the ninth consecutive year in the list of the world's most ethical companies.
- 2022.- Iberdrola advances in its solar business in Portugal with the construction of the Conde photovoltaic plant (13.51 MW) in Palmela.
- 2022.- In the last two years, the Iberdrola group has planted more than 2 million trees in seven countries.
- 2022.- Iberdrola remains a benchmark in terms of equal opportunities, as evidenced by its inclusion, for the fifth consecutive year, in the Bloomberg Gender equality Index (GEI).
- 2022.- Iberdrola acquires its largest wind farm in the world with 1,000 MW in Australia.
- 2022.- Iberdrola receives the green light to start construction of the Baltic Eagle wind farm, the company's second major project in the Baltic Sea.
- 2022.- Iberdrola is selected as the most transparent company in the Ibex 35.
- 2022.- Iberdrola's net profit reached €1,058 million in the first quarter, up 3% compared to the same period in 2021.
- 2022.- Iberdrola is once again included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, making it the only European utility that has been present in the index during its 23 editions.
- 2022.- Iberdrola has completed more than 1,600 initiatives to protect biodiversity around the world since 2020.
- 2022.- Iberdrola has been awarded 7,000 MW of offshore wind power in Scotland in Crown Estate Scotland's largest tender to date, involving a total investment of €22.5 billion.
- 2022.- ScottishPower has consolidated its position as the largest solar energy developer in the UK market following the agreement to acquire 17 projects at an advanced stage of development. They have a combined capacity of 800 MW, and will involve an investment of approximately 500 million pounds sterling.
- 2022.- Iberdrola inaugurates the largest ultra-fast charging hub for electric vehicles in southern Europe with chargers capable of charging cars in less than 5 minutes. The project, in partnership with Porsche, plans to promote a total of 35 ultra-fast charging stations.
- 2022.- The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) sign the first joint financing for the large-scale development of green hydrogen with Iberdrola.
- 2022.- Iberdrola begins construction of the 476 MW Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm, part of the largest offshore wind farm complex in the Baltic Sea, which will have a capacity of more than 1,100 MW following an investment of €3.5 billion.
- 2022.- Iberdrola acquires its largest onshore wind farm in the world with 1,000 MW located in North Queensland, Australia.
- 2022.- ICO Next Tech Fund, Iberdrola and Nortia Capital team up with Seaya to launch Andromeda, the first major technology fund to accelerate the energy transition and sustainability.
- 2022.- Iberdrola inaugurates the Puertollano green hydrogen plant, the largest for industrial use in Europe with an investment of €150 million, which will produce up to 3,000 tonnes of renewable hydrogen per year.
- 2022.- Iberdrola is making progress in its commitment to Poland and has begun construction of the Korytnca II wind farm. This facility will bring onshore wind capacity in Poland, one of the group's growth markets, to 163 MW.
- 2022.- Iberdrola and FCC are launching EnergyLOOP to lead the recycling of wind turbine blades on an industrial scale, which will invest a total of €10 million in its first installation.
- 2022.- Neoenergía joined Latibex on 7 June, becoming part of the international market for Latin American securities operated by BME and the 19th listed company.
- 2022.- Iberdrola commissions the Mikronoros wind farm and exceeds 300 MW in Greece.
- 2022.- Iberdrola, the first Spanish company to hold its General Shareholders' Meeting in the Metaverse.
- <2022.- Iberdrola commissions in Ireland its first commercial-scale battery system in the world with an installation of 50 MW of power and 25 MWh of energy capacity. The project, the first of its kind in Ireland, has required an investment of €28 million.
- 2022.- Iberdrola is awarded its largest network project in the world: it will build a 1,700-kilometre power line in Brazil. It will involve an investment of €1 billion and will create more than 11,000 jobs during its construction.
- 2022.- Iberdrola inaugurates the Támega Gigabattery in Portugal, the largest clean energy project in the country's history, with 1,158 MW, following an investment of more than €1.5 billion.
- 2022.- Iberdrola and BP reach an agreement to accelerate the deployment of charging infrastructures and the production of green hydrogen with a joint investment of €1 billion in 11,000 fast charging points.
- 2022.- Iberdrola starts up Francisco Pizarro, the largest photovoltaic plant in Europe, with an installed capacity of 590 MW and an investment of €300 million, which has generated 1,500 jobs during its construction.
- 2022.- Iberdrola begins construction of the 1,400 MW East Anglia Three offshore wind farm in the UK, which will form part of a 3,300 MW macro-complex: East Anglia Hub.
- 2022.- Iberdrola and Foresa advance in their alliance to lead the production of green methanol in Spain, saving 58,000 tonnes of CO2 in the first 10 years of the project's operation.
- 2022.- Iberdrola starts up the first smart agrovoltaic plant in Spain in Toledo. This innovative project, with a capacity of 40 kW, will allow the position of the photovoltaic modules to be adapted to the needs of the vineyards.
- 2022.- Iberdrola and Sempra Infrastructure sign an agreement to develop hydrogen and green ammonia projects in the United States as effective decarbonisation solutions.
- 2022.- Iberdrola commissions in Australia its first hybrid wind and solar plant in the world with a combined total capacity of 317 MW and an investment of A$500 million.
- 2022.- Iberdrola presents a new Strategic Plan to boost the energy transition, employment and net zero emissions.
- 2022.- Iberdrola presents the most ambitious Climate Action Plan of the COP 27, highlighting the goal of emission neutrality in electricity generation in 2030 and net zero emissions in 2040.
- 2022.- Iberdrola becomes the first company with AENOR's Sustainable Procurement Strategy certificate based on the ISO 20400:2017 standard.
- 2022.- Iberdrola presents its plan for a positive impact on the ecosystems and species where it operates by 2030 at the World Biodiversity Summit in Canada. By the end of this decade, the plan will contribute to generating better environmental conditions than those that existed previously.
- 2022.- Iberdrola and UNICEF present an innovative alliance with social impact aimed at contributing to the socio-labour inclusion of young people and promoting the generation of training and employment opportunities, both in Spain and internationally.
- 2023.- Iberdrola signs an alliance with Norges Bank Investment Management to accelerate decarbonisation in Spain by co-investing in 1,265 MW of new renewable capacity (wind and photovoltaic) that will power over 700,000 homes annually.
- 2023.- Iberdrola issues a €1 billion green hybrid bond and a €850 million green bond with strong investor support.
- 2023.- Iberdrola is promoting, through its PERSEO programme, the first industrial-scale wind blade recycling plant in Europe, located in Spain. Together with the Asturian business group Exiom, Iberdrola is installing the first large photovoltaic solar panel manufacturing plant in Spain.
- 2023.- Iberdrola has been included in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index for the sixth consecutive year among the best companies worldwide in terms of gender.
- 2023.- Iberdrola is awarded its first floating solar power project in France with a total capacity of 25 MW.
- 2023.- The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Iberdrola sign a €150 million loan for the construction of new renewable energy plants in Italy; and a €1 billion loan for the construction of a large portfolio of photovoltaic and wind power plants in Spain, Portugal and Germany, with a total installed capacity of 2.2 GW.
- 2023.- Iberdrola and BP sign a strategic alliance to accelerate the energy transition in sustainable mobility by investing €1 billion to deploy a network of 11,700 fast and ultra-fast charging points in Spain and Portugal. In 2023, they reach 5,000 charging points in Spain and reinforce their position as the most extensive network of public charging points in the country.
- 2023.- The Ethisphere Institute includes Iberdrola for the tenth consecutive time and Avangrid for the fifth time in the 2023 World's Most Ethical Companies ranking.
- 2023.- Iberdrola becomes the first company to obtain AENOR's Renewable Hydrogen certificate, which covers the hydrogen generation, storage and marketing process, as well as the organisation's management system.
- 2023.- Iberdrola presents its Climate Transition Plan to the United Nations to achieve zero net emissions by 2040, following a realistic, ambitious and responsible line.
- 2023.- Neoenergia seals a strategic alliance with GIC, Singapore's sovereign wealth fund, for the expansion of transmission networks in Brazil, for 2.4 billion Brazilian reais (€456 million).
- 2023.- Iberdrola maintains its commitment to Mexico to lead the energy transition in the country and signs an agreement to sell over 8,400 MW of combined cycle gas plants for $6 billion.
- 2023.- Iberdrola evolves its brand and creates a more sustainable, digital, approachable and modern brand to tangibly reflect the reality of a sustainable and innovative company.
- 2023.- Iberdrola closes four new long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs): with the Holcim Group, the German steelmakers Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH and Stahl Holding Saar (SHS), and the world's largest manufacturer of brake materials, TMD Friction Services, to supply clean energy from the Baltic Eagle and Windanker offshore wind farms.
- 2023.- Iberdrola and Trammo seal the largest agreement in Europe for the purchase and sale of 100,000 tonnes of green ammonia from 2026. To this end, Iberdrola will build the first green ammonia plant with an investment of €750 million.
- 2023.- Iberdrola and Birdlife sign a three-year strategic alliance to work together on renewable deployment that enhances contribution to biodiversity.
- 2023.- Iberdrola signs a new €500 million secured green loan with Citi and Eksfin. Neoenergia signs its first bilateral green loan with Japanese bank Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) for 150 million reais (€28 million).
- 2023.- Avangrid completes the construction of the first offshore substation in the United States that will collect energy generated by the 62 wind turbines of Vineyard Wind 1 – the first offshore wind farm in the United States.
- 2023.- Iberdrola Australia successfully completes the energisation of the Flyers Creek wind farm substation, which has an installed capacity of 145 megawatts (MW). This substation will meet the annual electricity demand of 80,000 Australian homes.
- 2023.- Iberdrola launches Carbon2Nature to develop high-impact nature-based solutions projects that reduce the global carbon footprint, enhance biodiversity, and promote a sustainable economy.
- 2023.- Iberdrola completes the construction of the first hybrid wind and solar photovoltaic plant in Spain, with a 74 MW photovoltaic installation to hybridise the 69 MW BaCa – Ballestas and Casetona – wind power complex.
- 2023.- Iberdrola Greece commissions two wind farms, with installed capacities of 37.8 MW and 18 MW respectively – reaching 420 MW of renewable operational capacity in the country.
- 2023.- Iberdrola is awarded three sites in Germany to build three wind farms with a total potential capacity of between 170 and 200 megawatts (MW).
- 2023.- Iberdrola and Masdar close their offshore wind alliance with a €1.6 billion investment in the 476 MW German offshore wind farm Baltic Eagle (in the Baltic Sea), which expands to co-invest €15 billion in offshore wind and green hydrogen in Germany, the UK and the US.
- 2023.- Iberdrola brings together in Madrid close to 100 executives from international companies for the presentation of its Global Supplier of the Year Awards 2023. This award recognises companies’ key role in creating employment and wealth, as well as in the energy transition.
- 2023.- Iberdrola inaugurates a pioneering innovation and training centre in the Zamora town of Muelas del Pan, in Castilla y León (Spain). Over 800 people will receive training every year, contributing to the sustainable economic revitalisation of the region.
- 2023.- Iberdrola announces at the UK Global Investment Summit its commitment to the UK as one of its main markets, after setting its investment roadmap from 2024 to 2028 for a total of £12 billion (around €14 billion).
- 2023.- Completion of the wind turbine installation at the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm in France, which has also been recognised as project of the year by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDC).
- 2023.- Iberdrola signs its largest ever credit line for €5.3 billion with 33 banks. The credit line is linked to the fulfilment of two sustainability objectives: the reduction of emissions by 2030 (scopes 1, 2 and 3) and the increase in the percentage of women in key positions.
- 2024.- Iberdrola has completed more than 1,600 initiatives to protect biodiversity around the world between 2022 and 2023.

Ten keys to building the energy of the future in line with our Strategic Plan 2023-2025.

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