O Fórum Econômico Mundial celebrou a sua 50ª reunião anual entre os dias 21 e 24 de janeiro. Com o lema Grupos de interesse para um mundo coeso e sustentável, o encontro reuniu os principais líderes empresariais, governamentais e da sociedade civil para tratar os desafios e oportunidades derivados da Quarta Revolução Industrial. O grupo Iberdrola, membro do Fórum, participou novamente do evento, o qual definiu a agenda global com vistas a 2020.
'United by the wind', a documentary produced by Iberdrola that shows the most social aspect of the East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm. More than twenty workers, both from the company and from several of its suppliers, tell us about the importance of teamwork, companionship and training to set up an infrastructure of this magnitude and complexity, as well as the driving effect that this development has had and has on local economies.